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Appropriate 🤷‍♀️ Words

When writing, create credibility at the word level by using contextually appropriate words and phrases.

Use Avoid
Concrete, specific Abstract: resource, aspect, item, facility
Concise, economical Verbose: scintillate, scintillate, globule vivific
Redundant: recur again, cooperate together
Clear Ambiguous: as/since, and/or (😱 Guilty!)
Current Archaic: we deem it advisable, we hereby acknowledge, amongst, whilst, perusal
Formal Abbreviations: eg, etc, ie, viz (😱 Guilty! Well, not viz, at least!)
Colloquialisms: a stint with, in the throes of
Contractions: OK, I’d, it’s, we’d, you’ll, don’t 😱 …}
Dictionary Coined words: crowdsourcing, criticality, biosimilar, relatable
Initialisms & acronyms are clear only if known to the reader.
Original Buzz words/clichés: synergy, ballpark figure, gameplan, revenue driven, going forward, at the end of the day
Simple Pompous: sedulously, eschew, polysyllabic profundity, esoteric, quotidian
Appropriate jargon Unnecessary/unfamiliar jargon: to the arboreal primates 🤣
Consistent terminology Thesaurus syndrome: firm, company, organisation, corporation; program, project, job, assignment
Authoritative Apologetic: Due to time constraints
Equivocal: Tends to stem from
Defensive: After reading this report, I hope you find it satisfactory.
Sincere Presumptuous: I presume you will do me the courtesy of a reply.
Measured Hyperbolic: Those statistics have been around for decades.
Impartial Biased: Obviously, we prefer to use our own experts.
Polemic: Everyone should be able to read statistics.
Positive Negative: bar, fail, decline, reject, exclude
Correct Incorrect spelling/confusable words: affect/effect; lead/led; principal/principle, stationary/stationery
Familiar Foreign: modus operandi, quid pro quo, fait accompli, chutzpah
Inclusive: Every employee enjoys their time off. Discriminatory: generic ‘he’ or ‘she’:
Every employee enjoys 'his' time off.
Weasel, crutch words: absolutely, actually, apparently, as it were, basically, certainly, clearly, definitely, essentially, frankly, fundamentally, generally, highly, literally, merely, naturally, obviously, quite, really, simply, to be honest, very, virtually

Primary source: Australian English Style Guide P. Peters 1996.