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Australia Day 🇦🇺 26 January

26 January Australia Day marks the start of colonisation — not the signing of a treaty with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people but of their intended demise — genocide.

Aboriginal prisoners outside Roebourne Gaol WA circa 1896
State Library of WA

By ‘genocide’ we mean the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group … to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.Raphael Lemkin, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe.

Indigenous sovereignty over this land was never ceded so it doesn't matter what Peter ‘Mutton’ Dutton or any other cunt says — it's their land — land which they've never been properly compensated for. By denying this history, Australia Day divides rather than unites but not all white people are racist cunts and more and more recognise the indefensible position of the C🪨al-ition (e.g., vote No) and other Australian eugenicists.

australian eugenicist a.o. neville
State Library of NSW

Are we going to have a population of one million blacks … or are we going to merge them into our white community and eventually forget that there were any Aborigines? Chief Protector A.O. Neville, solving the Aboriginal ‘Problem’.

Tradition? What Fucking Tradition?

James Cook landed at Kamay (Botany Bay) 29 April 1770 and the First Fleet arrived there — 18/19/20 January 1788.

But, the first so-called Australia Day wasn't held until 30 July, 1915.

In fact, Australia Day was celebrated by different states and territories on different days: 26 January, 1 June, 1 December and 28 December prior to 1935 when 26 January became the ‘official’ date. Regardless, it wasn’t until 1994 that Australia Day became a national public holiday — one honouring the date the first fleet sailed into Warrane (Sydney Cove).

aboriginal activists 26 january 1938
State Library of NSW

In 1938, on the 150th anniversary of the invasion, the Aboriginal Day of Mourning began.

WE, representing THE ABORIGINES OF AUSTRALIA, assembled in conference at the Australian Hall, Sydney, on the 26th day of January, 1938, this being the 150th Anniversary of the whiteman's seizure of our country, HEREBY MAKE PROTEST against the callous treatment of our people by the whitemen during the past 150 years, AND WE APPEAL to the Australian nation of today to make new laws for the education and care of Aborigines, we ask for a new policy which will raise our people TO FULL CITIZEN STATUS and EQUALITY WITHIN THE COMMUNITY.

aboriginal flag
Australian Flag

26 January, Australia 🇦🇺 Day is ‘Make Blak country white day.’

Go to SMH's Best of Cartoons page to see Cathy Wilcox's cartoon of a white man peering under his Union Jack/Southern Cross flag rug to reveal the Australian flag.

And there's also John Shakespeare's cartoon of three ‘blind’ white ‘mice’ denying the Australian history of death and dispossession.