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Bondi Media

Beautiful Bondi Beach 😍 Peeps

The SMH (and last census) have confirmed what locals have known — like since forevva — that beautiful Bondi Beach is number 💄 with more mo-dels 👙 than any other Sydney suburb. And this explains why it has the most plastic 👨‍⚕️ surgeons and why Bondi has the most 📸 photographers!

not actual bondi girl or beach, but same thing

As proof, ‘sand, surf and local community’ attracted one mo-del to Bondi when she moved here from somewhere else. She's even friends with several other mo-dels 👯 who live at Bondi Beach. 🤙 Respect!

It feels like a place to go [in case you get lost] … You spend a lot of time in the city [it's like, so distant] when you’re a mo-del so it’s a nice escape to come back and be by the beach! Mo-del resident.

Her agency even takes its name from here — Beach Mode(l), founded by a local who thinks mo-dels are drawn to Bondi Beach by the beach lifestyle!

You’re just constantly bumping [‘Hey! Watch where you're going, bra!’] into people here, so it’s nice to leave the [now unrecognisable, $3.65 mil 💰 bungalow] house, pop past the [latest] cafe and there are a couple of friends [who's names you can't quite remember] who are already sitting out there with their morning chai or coffee [not like icky workers, who like, work 🥴] which I really enjoy … You can build a community in Bondi [because] it’s a bit of a trendy area … people love to be by the beach. Who 🤷 knew!?. Mo-del manager.

She even approaches potential mo-dels on the local streets and asks if they would like to be famous. Nothing creepy … 'cause she's not a bloke! 👍

Thousands of beautiful people flow through Bondi Beach every day so it, like, makes it really easy, like, to stalk scout. I get a gut feeling, and I’m like, ‘That's mine!’ and I’ll make a move. 🫦 Mo-del manager.