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Creepy Christians 🐦‍⬛ Crow

Sydney MP Alex Greenwich wants the state government to support his bill — drafted in consultation with survivors — to ban gay conversion 'therapy' amid fears by LGBTQ organisations that Labor’s resolve to end the foul practice with its own legislation has stalled after a targeted campaign by religious lobbyists (aka cweepy chwistian cunts).

stop! open palm hand

The NSW government says it is still 'consulting' on legislation to stop gay conversion therapy, after election promises it would end the practice like Victoria has managed. But the cweepy chwistians have other ideas …

NSW's dangerous conversion therapy laws are on pause, directly influenced by us making thousands of calls asking MPs to consider the negative consequences for our children (always use the word children 👶) … we've rung, emailed and pressured because the Government is considering Victorian-style laws which could criminalise parents, clinicians or pastors who seek to help vulnerable gender dysphoric children avoid the irreversible harm caused by treatments such as puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and devastating surgery … Your voice (no, not that Voice, a real one!) has had an effect. It matters not that this was an election promise. Hallefuckenlujah 🙌 Michelle ‘Penetrate Me, Please’ Pierce, AcCL Head (not sure if pun intended 🤔).

The AcCL has promised to continue its campaign against the bill and defeat democracy in the name of ‘god’ — fighting against the legislation with all their cweepy chwistian might!

Meanwhile, the soft-cock NSW government denies pausing the bill, claiming its consultation is ‘ongoing’ 😂 with stakeholders (i.e., those who burnt 🔥 gays at the stake when it was legal) and the legislation will be done ‘when it is done.’ Clearly, concerns about pushback from organised god-botherers (religious groups) have seen Labor 💩 shit themselves given their Irish catholic and other religious affiliations relied on for votes.

They've talked the talk but completely dogged the walk! All they had to do was support Greenwich’s bill — already drafted and introduced into parliament, but no …

Supporters of the ban say the focus of Greenwich's bill is to protect LGBTQ people from demonstrably harmful attempts to change who they are and who they love in a way that keeps communities of faith together and allows them to practice their (admittedly idiotic) doctrine. But, they are concerned the AcCL cunts claim credit for delaying progress on these important reforms …

Banning conversion pseudoscience should be about protecting the health and welfare of LGBTQ people first and foremost, not appeasing those who seek to perpetrate those practices at the expense of the health and welfare of LGBTQ people.There is no other form of abuse where consultation with the perpetrators of that abuse would lead to a pause in reform.

child & mother supporting each other

Greenwich's bill is supported by survivors and would work like schemes adopted in Victoria and New Zealand. One of the bill's primary goals is to make NSW safer for LGBTQ people and prohibit harmful conversion practices that frequently lead to fucking suicide for fucks sake.

The AcCL is still recovering from catastrophic defeats in Queensland, ACT and (especially) Victoria (damn Dan Andrews 😠) with vicious and dangerous gay conversion therapies by cweepy chwistian cunts being successfully banned but here in NSW, like a white pointer off Icebergs, they smell blood in the water.

While the government has not explained why it is not supporting Greenwich’s bill, senior sources indicate their bill would be more watered down than Victoria’s — more like a soft-cock than a hard-on.

Update, 25 November 2023

The NSW government has now abandoned its election promise to introduce legislation to outlaw gay conversion practices this year because of pressure from so-called 'faith groups' — including the cunty catholic archdiocese of Sydney … the fucking obscene audacity of the catholic fucking church claiming to be interested in the well being of children! 🚸

Typically, these creepy conservative cunts are demanding protections be given to people [fuckwits] of faith — god-bothering parents and families — but not the children. 👶 👧 🧒 👦🏻

Recognising the danger these cunty cohorts present, and needing to consult with survivors of their foul practice, MP Greenwich has also asked for more time.

Update, 22 March 2024

OK, so finally there is a NSW ban against practices trying to change or suppress someone's sexual identity (albeit after a year-long introductory period). It will also be illegal to transport someone outside of NSW to undergo conversion therapy dragging NSW into modernity along with the ACT and Victoria.

But …

The newly passed bill has some exceptions for religious groups so it will still be legal to give religious sermons preaching hatred against homosexuality or pray with someone in order to express your foul god's displeasure for having same-sex attraction. 😱