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Bondi Media

Crikey Craps 💩 on Pride

As they say in the classics … Let's dazzle 'em with brilliance bullshit! To introduce our piece on the Manly Sea Eagles Pride jersey situation, we'll give it a too clever by half title — The Manly Seven — invoking Kurosawa/Sturges in trying to make these muppets seem more like …

the magnificent seven

And, like other entitled men appropriating abortion rights or Martin Luther King's struggles for true freedom — to legitimise crap writing, vaccination or QAnon conspiracy theories — we're also linking them to the powerful intertextual imagery of David v Goliath true crime stories like the Central Park Five.

In doing so, and by playing ‘explicit condescending racism’ off against homophobia, we can create a conflict that allows seven fag-fearing fuckwits moral entitlement where none exists. And, more importantly, we are able to validate their primitive prejudice right alongside our imaginary intellect! 👏

Next, we'll just assume most people are morons and dismiss the whole drama, using belittling and patronising terminology, as one of those ‘silly and unnecessary culture skirmishes’ sports clubs (i.e., things to be taken less seriously) are responsible for. By adding the trigger term ‘culture’ to the mix we can automatically onside all those reactionary ra-tards who listen to shock-jocks and believe the The Daily Telegraph. We'll also play our totally disingenuous race card to ensure any ‘fence sitters’ feel obliged to wonder at our excellent erudition exposing the prejudice alive in our society. 🙌 😱 👏

magnificent their courage

Then, we'll muddy the waters with Israel Folau (much like alleged war criminal, serial liar and all round dogrooter John ‘Coward’ Howard used extremist bogan Pauline Hanson to make his actions seem more reasonable/middle-of-the-road in comparison) falsely claiming that these basic cunts were less severe — and therefore more deserving of our empathy in their implicit condemnation of homosexuals — than a full-time fuckstick like Folau.

We'll also dishonestly dismiss any criticsm of fools of faith as coming from so-called progressives — that consummate reactionary trope invented to denigrate and diminish anyone complaining about cuntish behaviour.

With supreme smugness we can even go on to bemoan the whole situation with ‘How on earth did an exercise in tolerance and inclusivity come to this?’

For good-measure, we'll toss in the throw-away aphorism ‘See how power really works?’ as well — like loud-mouthed ignoramus bogan Joe Rogan, for good measure. Make no mistake people — we be way smarter and more dishonest than any other cunt out there (except Scomo, of course).

Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

More muddying follows to avoid any objective examination of our so-called argument with claptrap like ‘the root [and don't creepy christian cunts just love a good pun?] cause is surely the contradictory ways in which the notion of Pride is understood’. All this despite there being no contradiction — its meaning is not in question for those with a relatively intact brain 🧠 pans.

magnificent their story

We'll even go on to dismiss everyone involved as being subserviant (and therefore less responsbile) to faceless administrators — ‘the geniuses who came up with the Pride thing didn’t tell players before announcing it.’ Had they done so, they might have got schooled by some semi-literate savages!

Regardless, we double down on the afore referenced re-defining of Pride and rainbow themes as now actually being fluid (the irony!) having been …

… so overused that their original assertive content has been lost … the message was one not merely of social tolerance but also of radical [Ooohhh! Fear the loony left!] equality — the proposition that all sexualities were to be equally welcomed and regarded as legitimate … Many christians of a certain [that'd be the dum kunt] type don’t believe that, but the idea is now so generalised as a social belief — falsely seen as identical with mere tolerance — that many find it hard to distinguish. A distinct, secular, content-rich idea about sexuality came to be regarded as something no one could reasonably object to supporting …

This is like that gormless grub John Barilarlo declaring a conflict of interest but then not removing himself from the process — the conflict remains but because it's been declared it doesn't matter any more and you're not corrupt!

7 times magnificent

But, we'll conveniently skip over the blatantly obvious of … if it's the one true god informing these fuckwits then why are there so many fucking variations and conflicting belief systems? Why don't all christians believe this 💩?

Furthermore, we'll completely ignore traditional gender diverse cultural roles like faʻafafine; pretending they don't exist and ignoring that the predjudice against them within some Pacifika societies, for example, is a direct result of christian corruption. Again, the problem is — and remains — religion.

Referencing Folau (as Pauline Hanson) again, we can even claim his ooga booga denial of tolerance critiqued ‘mainly from white [to be read racist] people’, somehow, perversely and conversely, in fact, validates it. Then, we link it to some fatuous piffle concerning colonialism and methodist missionaries patronising and infantilising these clear-thinking souls. 😱

Accordingly, by inverting and privileging the ooga booga we can redefine ignorance as a ‘consistent and well-formed belief system’ and therefore anyone criticising its adherents is in fact dehumanising players who fear the queer. Standing by their beliefs — no matter how idiotic or unjustifiable those ‘beliefs’ are — makes them, in fact, noble rather than simply savage. 🫤

7 times magnificent

We can obfuscate even further by assuming the role of reasonable party …

There are several things going on here. The first is that there’s a hierarchy of oppression within progressivism, in which LGBTIQA+ is at the apex. If there’s a contradiction between two groups, the other must be constructed as an object, not a subject, to resolve any conflict of beliefs. They know not what they think.

This retrospective validation, via victimhood, of abhorrent unsustainable positions maintains the absurd dishonesty that these muppets were in fact not rejecting homosexuals but, rather, rejecting the corrupted concept of Pride.

Consequently, people who voted against same sex marriage are, in fact, good people. Instead of being the vile bigoted conservative cunts we thought them to be, they were simply demonstrating an act of resistance (to humanity). We can even chuck in a reference to concerns for their children just to show that fear and hate are really just expressions of concern and love. ☺️

Helpfully indicating that ‘marriage and childbirth are the points at which nature meets culture, in any culture’ proves we really don't have a fucking clue but we'll create (un)reasonable doubt by saying that acceptance ‘will only ever spread fully among the knowledge class as an expression of their class position’ thereby misdirecting punters to a non-existant state of class conflict perpetrated by equally fictional inner city elites — another trope promulgated by climate change deniers and similarly intellectually dishonest cunts.

So the inclusivists, the diversivists, in sport or wherever, have got it all wrong. By turning an issue of moral choice into contractual compliance and ideological campaigning, they have produced an enormous amount of hurt, anger and unnecessary conflict.

Except they haven't — it's the homophobic halfwits who can't cope with a complex and truly multicultural society that are dangerous. They've made an immoral choice but refuse to accept any of the consequences. 🌭 🌮 🍆 🍑

In fact, continually denying this reality leads to complete contradiction by claiming the position of values pluralism as tolerance for the intolerant.

the magnificent 7, once you've met them you'll never forget them!

In a last gasp effort, we try to forcibly leverage the ‘Pride push’ into ‘monocultural assimilation only seen in totalitarian (Stalin lives!) social forms’ …

The independent-minded people in this mess are the seven players who consulted their conscience and found they couldn’t do it.

That's as dumb — and even more dishonest — than ‘islamic feminism.’ Conflating conscience and independent thought with seven cunty cretins who dun like poofs brofails every test ever. 😩

Having lost the argument there's nothing left but a hapless ‘hail mary’:

The truly brainwashed are the [pesky] progressives who have fallen into lockstep against them, and fallen short of the independence of thought and courage that modernity demands.

Except modernity and independent thought understands that homosexuality does not adversely affect you in any way shape or form (unless, of course, you're Corey ‘Closet’ Bernardi).

Living with diversity and respect is the definition of courage — so fuck you and fuck your foul fucking god.🖕

Crikey! What a bunch of pretentious dishonest cunts. 🌮 🌮 🌮