Democracy for 🤡 Dummies
I always know I'm in for a good self-pleasuring 👉✊ when, as a portly pretentious pounce I get the chance to pontificate on wordy things that make me so much more than I are! No, not those $15,000 bookcases, just more reactionary 💩 on the great eternal trope of … democracy!
This time, we're going off the the crassest of kultchas … the Ooh Sss of Ayy! god bless 🇺🇸 'Merica! And that thing that rankles the eco-fascists of the left (well, the Greens at least) dickhead DJ Trump who won the latest Iowa caucuses, not in spite of democracy, but because of it! AMIRITE!? 👏
The fact that caucus participants are frequently ignorant and angry misses the point because all opinions matter — even ones based on resentment and racism. The rights of the individual are key! The yanks call these ‘free’ elections — that is, free from incarcerated and demonised minorities and Australia is all the poorer for not following their shining example! 😮
Now those pesky progressives (well, anyone with a brain 🧠 and honest, really) keep talking shyte about ‘threats to democracy.’ But, again, I knows as a committed economic libertine Liberalist (white, privileged, mainly male, morally, socially and intellectually dishonest, trickle-down subscribing C🪨al-ition voting fuckstick) that the individual is king! And that's the true meaning of democracy (well, I really mean economy but who's 💰 counting?! See what I did there?! 🤣 I really can't wait to get my sweaty little hand 🫴 on it 🍆 after I've finished writing this dishonest drivel!)
Anyway, since Pommy people chose Brexit and the yanks … Trump, lots of books say democracy is in peril but did youse know I wrote two tomes all 'bout righteous Liberalism? Problem being but 🙁 most o' da people who believe that shyte are too fucking dumb to fucking read so it sort o' fucked up any future book deals, but, I can get revenge on all those principled fickle publishers promoting ‘democratic pessimism’ as a cottage industry!
Contributors to that oeuvre (god, I'm so fucking wet right now … oooooooh … wordy-words!) are mostly leftist doomsayers and even more predictably, their villains are right-wing demagogues like Trump and my main man Boris who deviously manipulate credulous populations (well, a spade's a spade! 😹 ) to win elections etc., which the left's intelligentsia (well, again, anyone with a brain 🧠 and honest, really) disapproves of … the evil of populism!
Their tortured (I have to say that 'cause more often than not they're in the right) argument is that the exercise of democracy is itself a threat to democracy! But, I mean, everyone has the right to be a bigot and elect dictators! AMIRITE!? Moi, masturbating mentally, again.
Trump will be Biden’s presidential opponent whatever the (witch-hunters!) political and legal systems throw at him. But if the 'Merican people choose to reinstate him that will be a democratic outcome: not a negation of democracy, but the result of it. 🇺🇸 😆
Obviously I consider Trump's conduct to be utterly disgraceful (I don't actually because I support the C🪨al-ition) but I make this self-serving concession like George Pell seeking to minimise the raping of children by priests — and discredit victims — by describing them as ‘young people’ and not ‘children’ 🧒 for my part though, I just leave out descriptors like ‘criminal’ or ‘unethical.’
So, the leftist device used to deny legitimacy of democratic outcomes is to blame it on populism. Which is curious, since populism means that the popular will has prevailed (well, no, actually, because it completely ignores how such outcomes are achieved, but, like whateva), so how is that not democratic? Just ask the Germans or Italians!
Leftist elites (god I love that trope — even if it completely contradicts my own argument — in the same paragraph no less!) who cannot say the word ‘populism’ without a snear (never challenge facts — go for the feelings!) claim the poor electorate has been misled by those same scheming demagogues (but, of course, don't mention 6 January
🙊 whatever you do).
Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!
Clearly (being definitively dishonest) I won't say a thing about the fact that the overwhelming majority of people who supported Brexit now realise they were duped by self-serving dogrooters. As the
president said … ‘You can fool some of the people …’ Moi, acknowledging that this is all just fucking 🐂 💩.
Sure, there are plenty of lies told in campaigns. It's called ‘politics’, princess! But how can it be claimed — except by the most closed-minded partisan (aka honest people 🫠, but my words! Juices flowing! 😸 ) — that parties of the right are inherently more dishonest those of the left? (I mean, obviously, they are but, again, that's not the point). 😝
For example, the most egregious lie told in an Australian election was Mediscare (even if it's true that we do want to dismantle the socialist bedrock of universal healthcare. I mean, the yanks have got that fucking right — tie it to employment so we can fear-fuck everyone with our peer-led privatisations), a deception so serious it almost changed governments! 🤯
And, obviously, don't say a fucking word about Robodebt denials or the No vote campaign based entirely on fear and falsehoods and so ably led by that brilliant reactionary strategist, Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton.
Looks like having lost the argument, yet again, along with my train of thought … I'll completely avoid any facts and evidence and instead just double-down on the old ‘elites’ trope again with …
There is an unmistakable cultural condescension about the scorn elites have for popular opinion (no matter how evil or wrong that opinion is) like the language used by Yes advocates about the negative No referendum campaign leaving no doubt they regarded the latter's supporters as red-necked, bigoted and stupid (even though they were red-necked, bigoted and stupid, but, again, that's not the point) because all opinions no matter how racist or wrong should be tolerated. 🫡
I mean, is it any fucking wonder that illiterate bogans everyday citizens feel the contempt with which such self-anointed left-wing opinion leaders hold them, and react accordingly i.e., in a manner that is so against even their own needs? Standards like honesty and integrity need not apply. 👍
Thousands braved terrible weather to support Trump — good people (yes, bogans, rednecks and other racists love their cunt fucking kids) who showed a much more real, practical commitment to democracy than snobs entertaining Manhattan or Moseman dinner parties by mocking them as rubes from the 'flyover states' or 'Westies'. And that's democracy (obviously, it isn't but by conscripting and exploiting the ignorant and uninformed we get away with it!) so get fucked 🖕 get fucked. My podgy palms are wehady for waction! 🤒
I are liar. I have no dignity decency or integrity so hear me roar. Mummy, did you hear me? Can I suckle 🤱 now Mummy? Please Mummy! I need your attachment parenting! Mummy? … Mummy?
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