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Bondi Media

Do Your own Research ≠ Think for Yourself

While Bondi's great for being exposed to people from everywhere, some arrivals have abandoned clear thinking for populist pap. And, as their societies degrade, select elements move outwards bringing their cultural shortcuts with them. Notions of ‘freedom’, firearms and vaccines now threaten thought and community in Australia. 🇦🇺

sunny & crowded bondi beach

Gun nut Bridget McKenzie's mortal sin isn't just her hair.

Some cultures handle modernity's pressure 🚽 badly. This is concerning if you remember Bondi before property developers sandpaper sodomised the best-kept secret in Australia. There is now just one house on Campbell Parade — all courtesy of John ‘Coward’ Howard's ‘aspirational Australia’ conservative claptrap — greed that resonates with complete dummies. 😧

Similarly, America's utter denial of reality with violence is based on god, greed and guns. Their nationalism is racism and anti-intellectual shortcuts like ‘the second amendment’, ‘god-bless’, ‘thoughts and prayers’, ‘the constitution’ etc., permit evil — rather than considered thought — to flourish.

While these positions may seem somewhat of a jump from what's going on in Oz today, we argue (and are therefore concerned) that we're just on a delay as it were — courtesy of the ‘tyranny of distance’ (and not-ignoring that terms reactionary origins). If you consider the conspiracy theory style response to the pandemic by some Australians 🇦🇺 we think the point is well-made.

People no longer have to think for themselves because they can justify almost anything by explaining it away by reciting their moronic mantras. As Adler pointed out over 50 years ago, media packaging of intellectual positions and information can make thinking appear unnecessary — making it look easier to make up your own mind when really you’re just regurgitating someone else's opinion and ideas whenever you feel that it is appropriate …

This is not critical thinking — it’s performing and posturing.

And, as Heydon Pickering points out, this cunt-created content presents itself as ‘secret knowledge’ …

Attracting most anyone who wants to identify as a “free thinker” without actually having to do any thinking for themselves. This is how engagement algorithms catalyse bad ideas into cults that beget movements that attempt clumsy insurrections. 🇺🇸

statue thinking deeply vs. gun-toting aussie pollie
@Wikipedia / @TheUnOz

Dumb is for fucking ever!