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The catholic church is a lot like rugby league. Just when you think you've seen the dumbest thing ever — digitally manipulated quoits, bubblers, bashings etc., ad infinitum — there's more! So no surprise that the BBC and others are now reporting that that dope, the pope, Francis ‘The Fag Fearer’ has excommunicated archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano (rough translation 
 ‘that cunt Maria's 🌼 vagina’).

old cunts hurting each other

Maria, the arch-conservative former Vatican ambassador to the US, was rissoled after the Vatican found him guilty of schism, an inevitable outcome for one who openly mocked the dope pope as a weak clown đŸ€Ą who was destroying a strong conservative church. He also became a cult figure with his own website and a fringe following buying into conspiracy theories on things like the pandemic, the Great Reset and Putin's war on Europe.

The Vatican cited Maria's ‘refusal to recognise and submit to the Supreme Pontiff, his rejection of communion with the members of the church subject to him, and of the legitimacy and magisterial authority of the Second Vatican Council’ (whatever the fuck all that đŸ€· means), as reason for sacking him.

The effect, however, of his termination is that he is now formally outside communion with the church and cannot celebrate or receive its sacraments. OK 
 The crime đŸ€­ of schism occurs when someone withdraws submission to the pope or from the communion of catholics who are subject to him. 😂


This is opposed to ‘defrocking’, a punitive measure (but sounds like what clergy do just before penetrating a child) that (magically) turns a priest into not a priest Cf. ‘excommunication’ which is considered a penalty made in hope that those incurring it will repent and come back to communion. đŸ’«

Schisms, which have been regular in the church’s 2000-year history, are considered particularly dangerous as they threaten the unity of the church. The BBC, explaining church Ooga Booga, like we're five.

Maria's outspokenness saw some early supporters exit ‘stage right’, but social media spread his word to other ultra-conservatives. Plus, while he's not been seen in public since 2018 đŸ€Ż his vibe echos online where he called his impending excommunication ‘an honour’ and has refused to recognise the Vatican’s doctrinal office ‘that claims to judge me’ nor of its prefect, nor of the one who appointed him.’ That'd be that dope, the pope, Francis.

To the catholic faithful, who today are scandalized [sic] and disoriented by the winds of novelty and the false doctrines that are promoted and imposed by a Hierarchy rebellious against the Divine Master, I ask you to pray and offer your sacrifices and fasts pro libertate et exaltatione Sancté Matris Ecclesié, so that Holy Mother Church may find Her freedom and triumph with Christ, after this time of passion. May those who have had the Grace of being incorporated into Her in Baptism not abandon their Mother who is today lying prostrate and suffering: tempora bona veniant, pax Christi veniat, regnum Christi veniat. Archbishop bitching (rough translation ‘Lost me job, kids 
 send money’).

more pain

Vigano started making waves in 2012, during the so-called Vatileaks scandal, when pope Benedict XVI’s butler gave the pontiff’s private papers to an Italian journo to expose corruption in the Holy See. Some of those letters showed Vigano begging not to be transferred for exposing corruption. But they shipped him to the US anyway and he didn't get made a cardinal. 😭

In reply, during Francis' 2015 US visit, Vigano got Kim Davis a Kentucky clerk fuckwit fighting against gay marriage to greet Francis, which Davis and her legal team claimed as victory to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Three year later, the US franchise faced another sex abuse scandal — this time accusing cardinal Theodore McCarrick of molesting a minor đŸ‘ŠđŸ» and a grand jury reporting on decades of catholic church 🧒 abuse and cover-ups, Vigano claimed Francis and church officials were covering up for McCarrick and that Francis was rehabilitating McCarrick from sanctions imposed by the previous pope (Benedict). He even called on Francis, to resign. đŸ«š

A church-run investigation then found that another dope, pope John Paul II, had ignored McCarrick’s misconduct (and that of others) but it, to Vigano's chagrin, spared Francis, who defrocked McCarrick. But the report also found against Vigano for not looking into new child abuse claims or enforcing Vatican restrictions on McCarrick when told to do so. đŸ€Ż

even more pain

Vigano then went boonta đŸ€Ș managing to sound just like Australia's own conga line of vomit-licking dogrooting ra-tards to wit: Barnaby Joyce, Clive Palmer, Pete Evans, John Barilaro, Warren ‘Muppet’ Mundine, CđŸȘšal-ition Indigenous affairs genderfreespokesperson Jacinta ‘Punchin' Down’ Price, Tony ‘Mad Monk’ Abbott, ScoMo, Gina Rinehart, Craig ‘fat cunt’ Kelly, John ‘Coward’ Howard, Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton or any other mendacious mofo you can think of. He, as mentioned above, endorsed conspiracy theories about vaccines, Zoomed into alt-right US political rallies, backed Russia in its Ukraine invasion and refused to recognise Francis as the real (dope) pope. đŸ˜±

Here's (some of) the response by H.E. Monsignor Carlo Maria ViganĂČ, Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, Apostolic Nuncio to the accusation of ‘schism’ 

As we keep saying — holy men — don't even fucking ignore them! đŸ˜±