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Faith is for Fools 🃏

Not surprisingly, the world has become increasingly intolerant of intolerance and the oxygen given to those seeking to control the lives of others because their dropkick deity told them to — they've even cancelled the BBC! 🫨

people praying

Religious beliefs which see homosexuality as a sin and other prohibitions are primitive and have no place in modern societies. If ‘Filthy’ Phil Gould is correct and pandering to the growing number of oooga booga players (mainly cunty christians, apparently) in the NRL means religion was something clubs, coaches and fans have to take seriously then they don't understand what tolerating intolerance means for Australian society.

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is not evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd. Bertrand Russell

Having been told — along with a billion other god-botherers — to get the-fuck over the bible's bullshit because it's a 2000+ year old man-made document — they continue to struggle with reality and facts. There's no room for objective debate with them either.

For example, one of their many biblical justifications for sexism includes …

Paul does not base his argument on culture or societal norms. Instead, he bases it on the god-appointed leadership role given to the husband. Submission does not imply an inherent inferiority. Christ is equal in status to the father [who is himself, himself 🤪] but willingly submits himself to his father's will. In the same way, women are equal in value and worth to men, since both are created in god’s image. But, based on god's design, men and women assume different roles in the marriage relationship … christ is the head of the church in a way analogous to the husband's being the head of his wife … Now as the church submits to christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Man-made-up christian claptrap.

These are not good people — they are creepy cunts. Don't believe that? What about this fucking gem …

God has designed sex to be enjoyed within marriage between one man and one woman. More church drivel.

And, for dullards like City on a Hill church leader Gay Mason, believing the bible is believing in ‘the true and beautiful word of a living god’ But there's no evidence of any kind towards that — none. It's just what he feels, his faith — his belief in something in the complete absence of evidence.

He does have the same cold dead eyes as Laura Bush but …

the cold dead eyes of believers

More darkly, however, Gay's pretentious preaching tells of the sins of same sex attraction and compares abortion to the Holocaust even though the man who can tell a woman what she can do with her body hasn't been invented and all church credibility is low and deservedly getting lower …

There's no god but there is the kind of shopping that would embarrass a Kardashian and treat private jets like Ubers. Report into cweepy chwistian cult Hillsong.

Fortunately, however, Australians have never known so little about the foundational text of our largest (albeit shrinking) religion (and even less about other bullshit ‘holy’ 😝 books). Never before have we had such strong opinions on religions utter irrelevance to peaceful life and modern society.

If you want really fucking ridiculous, check out how the cunts over at the catholic church ‘calculate’ (i.e., make up) how so-called ‘indulgences’ work. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

So, what is the point of trying understand how people of faith think? Real beauty is a world in which people believe whatever they want but still live their lives harmoniously and not control and kill others like the various religions have justified for thousands of years — and continue to do so.

Rampaging christians Terrorise Newtown

If you're in Newtown minding your business and a bunch of bullies with test haircuts and tight t-shirts strut their ignorant primitive (aka ooga booga) stuff down King Street in protest of a lame joke by a run-of-the-mill drag queen comedian and traumatised soft-cock Waleed Aly — just get the fuck out of there and thank yourself (not god) for not waking up and being them.

christian thugs

Because, for fools of faith, things ain't going too good. CEO Andrew Thorburn had to quit Essendon AFL Football Club because of his cunty christian beliefs. In response, and unsurprisingly, cweepy chwistian god-bothering cunt Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton called on the Essendon Football Club to reappoint Thorburn for having been religiously persecuted.

I think there has been a very egregious attack on an individual because of his religious beliefs. Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton, fuckwit fuckstick fucktard fascist fucking fool.

Other conservative cunts likened the situation to that idiot Israel Folau's sacking by Rugby Australia. But, protecting vile views as long as they're ‘religious beliefs’ is morally and intellectually dishonest.

Thorburn's job had also been questioned on strictly secular grounds given his involvement in the club’s external review and appointing the next CEO. 😜

And, like so many other rich conservative cunts thinking they're beyond accountability, he'd had to resign as NAB Bank leader after the banking royal commission found he failed to learn lessons from previous misconduct.

Consultants Ernst & Young advised Essendon in their selection process and they failed to find (as did Essendon) the sermons that saw Thorburn ousted (they were under the Sexuality and Abortion sections on the website).

Two years into his church role Thorburn really hadn't looked? But ignorantia juris non excusat seems applicable because his ‘ignorance’ defence fails — just like the (identical) one he used at the banking royal commission.

Victoria's premiere catholic, Peter ‘Cunty’ Comensoli, was so appalled by the message to faith communities by Thorburn’s treatment that he's looking for another AFL club to support! Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

People are being judged unworthy to lead because of some of their basic christian beliefs. Melbourne arsebishop equating abortion to the Holocaust and homosexuality as sin with basic christianity.

More hysterically, what about ScoMo's utter rejection by god and man?

god rejects scomo

Watching award shows (Logies, Australian of the year, Dally M etc.) there's always at least one muppet who gets up and says ‘I'd like to thank god’. Funny but, when something bad happens they don't blame she/he/it. And not just because she/he/it is not fucking there.

The notion that an all-powerful magic sky fairy who created everything doesn't stop some predator priest violating a child or prevent children getting killed, but then awards trinkets to dum-as-fuck celebrities is beyond stupid. Even if god did exist she/he/it is clearly impotent and uncaring. So, just try to be helpful and live your life not interfering with others.

Seeing the world through a religious lens has no basis in fact or reality so it really isn't understandable if you're a grown up. Fortunately, for future Australia, so-called millennials are the first generation of white people who have grown up without a religious education (the definitive oxymoron).

Trying to grasp how people of faith see the world is always time poorly spent … the biblical view being: us humans (all five or six different species, originally) were created by a wholly good old cunt, and despite our rejection of her/his/its love we're still offered eternal life through the work of her/his/its son jesus christ (the fatherless man who is himself his father!?) whose invented divinity was only ‘confirmed’ in the 4th century CE. But still we live in love as we wait for a world to be once again made perfect … 🫤 WTF!?

So, you can hardly expect any functioning adult to make time for dimwits crapping on about god, magic talismans or fucking unicorns. Just laugh when some ra-tard god-botherer tries to explain that it's complex even though it's not and they try and fight back with pithy phrases about ‘thousands of years’ (i.e., point zero zero seven of over four billion) of the earth's time as non-existent evidence. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

Happy clappers are also big on explaining 🤣 how you get to some imaginary place called ‘heaven.’ Or they'll speak about what muslims believe about the god they invented to give other believers the shits. Or the obscenity of a rabi claiming ‘god was angry with his people’ to explain the Holocaust.

It's all man-made and it's all made up. Fuck ‘em!God, she/he/it.

So, if a colleague, neighbour or family member is dumb enough to believe any of this nonsense (let alone attend a fucking church, mosque, synagogue or temple) the answer's still the same — who fucking cares? Let them waste their own fucking time — not the lives of others!

When the sun finally burns out of hydrogen there won't be any humans around to see it die and probably no life at all — thanks to humans — regardless.

Recognising that society not being ‘religiously literate’ is a good thing, but faith is foundational to the lives and stories of millions of morons so don't give them any more fucking oxygen. In fact, it is good enough to demand that people of faith join the march of progress. And, again, no — we don't need to actually understand their faith or how they and other ra-tards think.

And if you do happen to ask them about it you'll only find yourself reassessing reality if you have no brain or are just a cunt.

Update: 12 March 2023

Several hundred protesters gathered outside Channel 10’s TV studios yesterday, praying for the network (you can't make that up) and the drag-queen Reuben Kaye for his lame jesus joke.

mardi gras parade

The so-called reverend Fred ‘Fuckstick’ Nile spoke to the attending dullards and prayed with them. He gave thanks also on behalf of some eschatological jew he has no evidence ever existed. Nile's historical hate speech, however, has included attacks on same-sex marriage, abortion and the availability of halal food in Australian shops.

Nile's such a nitwit he's even prayed for rain to spoil the Mardis Gras parade. His wife's just as bad and so made the usual nonsense come out of her mouth.

A day very well spent, doing other things.

sunlight through clouds