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George Pell's Dead 💀 Thank god!

George Pell's in HELL with an arse full of broken glass! 👍 But federal Liberal leader Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton claims Pell’s quashed conviction for force-feeding cock to catholic choirboys was, in fact, a ‘political persecution’ largely orchestrated by the Victorian Labor government.

george pell in drag

Dutton — a former Queensland cop who rejected the Stolen Generations apology because, according to him, Aboriginal Australians molested children and that white Australians shouldn't have to pay for what they stole — praised Pell. This is despite Pell being a complete 🌮 cunt the Royal Commission found knew about predator priests like Gerald Ridsdale but then chose to protect the church and 🚸 not the children. 👶 🧒 👦🏻

Defiantly, Dutton described Pell as a ‘towering [pun probably intended because Libs really really ❤️ love 🍆 cock] intellectual figure.’ No doubt losing Pell portends another anus 🍑 horribilis for these fucking clowns. 🤡

But Dutton's credibility is negligible, if anything. His 💩 shtick focusses on such reactionary piffle as defending attacks on (ie., criticism of) so-called ‘Australia day’, the so-called ‘national’ anthem and the ‘Australian’ 🇦🇺 flag. Plus, Dutton's so fucking dumb, he actually thinks something called the ‘silent majority’ supports his racist crusade against ‘woke nonsense.’ 🤪

Continuing with the phallic imagery (like a priest sodomising a six year old) Dutton again called Pell a ‘towering defender of christian conservatism’ — a cunt who devalued humanity and praised power — encapsulated in his use of the Ellis defence, a legal loophole which the catholic church exploited so it could not be sued by survivors of priestly sexual abuse.

Pell never lost faith in his God, his country, and in justice despite the tests and trials he endured in life. [And, that's far more important than children being penetrated by priests.] Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton, George Pell apologist.

Pell also denigrated LGBTQ catholics but the irony of his concurrent protection of pederast and paedophile priests — i.e., real sinners — is only lost on ra-tards and rock-spiders. In fact, Pell was so disgusting he lived with Ridsdale (below left) at one point, accompanied him to court (below right) and offered to provide character evidence for him.

george pell with bff gerald ridsdale arriving at court
credit: geoff ampt

Pell's focus at all times was protecting the church — not the children. He even considered measures of avoiding situations which might provoke gossip about Ridsdale and other child molesters. George Pell was 💩.

Pell summarily dismissed the Royal Commission's findings about child abuse as ‘a sad story and it wasn't of much interest to me.’ George Pell was 💩.

If the truck driver picks up some lady and then molests her, I don't think it’s appropriate for … the leadership of that company to be held responsible. George Pell, making more excuses for his foul fucking church.

Yet, other creepy christian cunts like John ‘Coward’ Howard and Tony ‘Mad Monk’ Abbott claimed Pell upheld christian ideals — being a: bully, liar, hypocrite and, of course, a complete cunt. Abbott even claimed Pell’s incarceration was a modern form of crucifixion and that Pell was a fucking (again, pun probably intended) saint. George Pell was 💩.

Queensland kook Bob Katter, reckons Australian christians are persecuted and that Pell was effectively murdered but Pell, himself, thought the pope (below left) was weak and a threat to a powerful conservative cock-centric church.

pell standing next to a pope

Riddle us this Fatman: If Jeffrey Epstein had been a christian cunt would he be reviled or forgiven?

Speaking of child molesters, why, the fuck, is the Australian PM Anthony Albanese meeting with Epstein's bestie Bill Gates? Perhaps his calendar co-ordinator should have checked with Melinda Gates first?

And while on the topic of fucking god-botherers — good to hear that US footballer made a recovery but not good to hear all the fucking christians crowing the fuck out of 'the power of prayer'. Fuck that 💩. His survival has nothing the fuck so ever to do with a non-fucking-existent dogrooting magic sky fairy. Nothing. Nada. Zip. How fucking dare you?

He survived because the staff who attended him were competent as were the ambos as were the nurses and doctors. Praise them you creepy fucking christian cunts. Praise them and not your foul fucking god. And give first responders and nurses a substantial fucking pay rise while you're at it.

But even after all the outpouring of support of this man's plight, the creepy christian cunts turned on him because he wore some fucking designer jacket adorned with an abstract image of jesus christ (not his real name regardless of whether he even existed).

For example, former footballer Adrian Peterson referred to the jacket as ‘blasphemy.’ Peterson, a well-known ra-tard who beat (a long standing tradition of creepy christian cunts) his four year old child until he bled, was offended by the clothing ‘as a man who loves and respects our Lord and Savior [sic].’ Like most god-botherers, Peterson is a real dishonest dum cunt.

Remember, catholic cunts shit-canned Sinead O'Connor for denouncing their foul church by tearing up a photo of that fucking dope, the pope, and talking about paedo priests. She was right all along you cunts so get on your fucking knees — not to receive swollen goods aft — but to pray for her forgiveness.

Getting back to Pell but, a requiem mass will be held at St Mary’s Cathedral tomorrow before he's laid (the puns just keep on … cum-ing! 🤣) to rest in the cathedral crypt. Good fucking riddance — rot in hell — you cunt.

angels with dirty faces movie poster

Church ‘officials’ have said that so many mourners (i.e., even more cunts) are expected to attend his funeral that video screens will be erected (pun surely intended 👉👌 this time) in the St Mary’s Cathedral foreskin.

george pell's dead

Why are the most unchristian people always christians?