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George Pell's 🥳 Funeral

Professional dogrooters: Tony ‘Mad Monk’ Abbott, John ‘Coward’ Howard and Alan ‘The Fuck’ Jones joined Peter ‘Mutton’ Dutton, Matt ‘Governments Make Things Worse!’ Canavan and Mark ‘Dick Shit’ Latham et al., at St Mary’s Cathedral, to see cunt cleric George Pell laid (OMG! The puns never stop! 🤪) to rest.

undignified arrive at george pell's funeral

Peter ‘Plausible deniability/Phone cardReith was absent because he was already dead. But dignitaries — those with actual dignity — didn't attend either.

To gauge the cuntish mind set of Pell's supporters and apologists, one even had the temerity to say it was a ‘sad day’ for catholic cunts, claiming Pell was only controversial because he had stood up (like a priestly erection) for the truth of that cunt christ — his legacy being a generation of young priests ready to violate children and much better-prepared catholics savvy to the agenda of so-called ‘survivors.’

Seriously, don't they fucking know the church is worth more than their lives? How dare they question the integrity of this great man and the power of cock? 🍆 Some supporter of dead cunt George Pell.

Another cunt, Tony Abbott, said Pell was ‘the greatest man I’ve ever known’ and was applauded by cunts inside and outside St Mary’s Cathedral for it.

man holding sign saying paedo protectors do not deserve public parades

But the idiocy of Pell's faith and its adherents had been well-summarised when he called those concerned with climate change as having ‘some of the characteristics of a low-level, not too demanding pseudo-religion’ which dim-wit deniers like Abbott absolutely fucking loved. But, if you actually have a functioning brain pan you know that all religion is pseudo!

Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

Pell also demonised marriage equality, homosexuality and abortion. George Pell was a cunt. 🌮

Indeed, Abbott sucked the spiritual cock of Pell to the point of rapture claiming canonisation was in the cards for this christian thug and there should be …

Pell study courses, Pell spirituality courses, Pell lectures, Pell high schools, and Pell university colleges. Just as there are for other saints. Tony ‘Mad Monk’ Abbott, dead cunt George Pell's #1 fanboy.

But that's hardly surprising given Abbott's history. Remember when he said he was going to ‘shirt-front’ Putin? Of course he didn't because, like most bullies, dog cunts like Abbott are actually a bit shy upside the left titty.

banner saying 'PELL BURN IN HELL'

So, it's George Pell … Patron Saint 😇 of Paedophiles and Pederasts!

And yet, despite all the elevation and veneration, some brave dissenters have overcome the awful defenders of this dreadful christian cunt.

I was disgusted by the history-erasing hagiographies ... declaring his actions to be saint-like; comparing him to a crucified Christ who had died at the hands of ‘political correctness’; claiming that he had gone to jail for having had the temerity to ‘talk back to the culture’ ... op-eds simply focused on the High Court setting aside Pell’s personal conviction for child abuse, and completely ignored his decades-long enabling of paedophile priests through a career-long inaction, as documented and summarised in the final royal commission report. Simon Hunt, Writing in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Mr Hunt also revealed that the delayed memorial service (after the church left Pell's carcass ⚰️ ‘lying in state’) was, in fact, a cost-saving exercise because international dignitaries were already en route to Suva 🇫🇯 for a conference so keeping Pell ‘on ice’ could reduce airfares.

Homosexual activity is a much greater health hazard than smoking.George Pell, creepy christian 🌮 cunt.

survivor ribbons tied to fence

The hearse carrying this dead cunt's corpse had arrived the day before, driving past a fence decorated with coloured ribbons tied by survivors of abuse in an act of remembrance of the lives lost and crushed by clergy and protectors and enablers like Pell and his evil church. A small sign read …

Pell claimed he can't remember. We wish we could forget.

Two young kids left in a car by an aggro christian cunt threatening survivors outside the service held up a crucifix and a ‘photo’ of the virgin 😂 Mary. It's not known whether police will pursue him for child abuse but no legacy of Pell's would be complete without facts about how he regarded the powerless.

Notice how he used the term ‘young people’ instead of the word ‘children’ to make his church's heinous crimes — and his role in covering them up — seem somehow less egregious — re-classifying them as ‘moral scandal’ — not crimes.

Abortion is a worse moral scandal than priests abusing young people. George Pell, dead 😵 cunt 🌮 cardinal.

Fuck 🖕 George Pell. Fuck 🖕 his cunt supporters and fuck 🖕 his foul god and the cunty catholic ⛪️ church. What a bunch of fucking 🌮 🌮 🌮 cunts.