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God Denies 🫦 Dignity

The latest hypocritical drivel being secreted by that dope the pope Francis, says gender fluidity and reassignment and surrogacy are a threat to human dignity. This, from the greatest child abuse racket the world has ever known! So it's hardly surprising the LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 community fear how such conservative claptrap will be used against them.


The Guardian notes the pope's shyte states that sex is assigned at birth and is an irrevocable god-given gift and any sex-change intervention threatens the unique dignity the person has received from the moment of conception. It also claims that people who want personal self-determination risk the temptation to make oneself (a) god.

He also says surrogacy is a sin whether the carrier is coerced or chooses to subject herself. Surrogacy, according to cunty catholics, makes the child subservient to the arbitrary gain or desire of others. In vitro fertilisation is also listed as a big no-no.

This new doctrinal 🐂 💩 dogrooter's document is intended as a statement of the church's view on human dignity. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha! Conservative catholics are joyous at this crap being effectively codified.


But, as The New York Times details, advocates for LGBTQ rights fear it will be used against transgender people — especially in countries where they are imprisoned or face violence and death for the crime of being different.

Although superficially receptive to LGBTQ members, the pope claims that ‘ideological colonisation’ — the idea that wealthy western nations arrogantly impose views on those primitive enough to believe in magic sky fairies. He also refused to condemn catholic countries that kill gays but still claims a ‘desire to eradicate racism, slavery, and the marginalisation of women, children, the sick, and people with disabilities’.

Individualistic thinking, subjugates the universality of dignity to individual standards, concerned with psycho-physical well-being or individual arbitrariness or social recognition. 🤔 More catholic claptrap.

If we've said it once, we've said it a thousand times … holy men 🤭 don't even ignore them!