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Bondi Media

God is a πŸ₯” Spud

The Guardian says catholics are outraged at a television ad showing nuns using chippies as communion wafers! They are also claiming that the ad is blasphemous because god (she/he/it?) cannot β€” and must not β€” be reduced to a fucking πŸ₯” potato spud. Accordingly, they demand that the ad be withdrawn and that there be no more abortions.

In the ad, salty snacks are inserted into the open 😡 orifices of worshippers (much like the cocks of paedo priests but legally and with consent). The ad also shows a mother superior hoe into some Amica Chips like a fat πŸ«„ cunt.

The ad offends the sensibility of millions of practising catholics … it lacks respect and trivialises the comparison between the potato chip and the consecrated particle! 😳 TV Association of conservative catholic cunts (TACCC).

The ad also features a rockin' soundtrack with Schubert's Ave Maria.

priest performing bizarre ritual

Christ reduced to a [fucking] crisp. Debased and vilified as he was 2000 years ago [even though there's no evidence he actually existed]. The ad is spitting [on the memory of christ] just as the Roman soldiers did before his crucifixion [and this is much more important than clerical child abuse β€” much fucking more]. Avvenire, newspaper for dum cunts (like The Daily Telegraph but for Italians).