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Bondi Media

Gun 🔫 Control in the West

Murderer and micro penis man Mark Bombara was the licensed holder of 13 guns — some of which he used to hunt his estranged wife. He didn't find her so he shot and killed the two women who'd been hiding her. As another weak man dumped by a woman he then shot and killed himself.

pair of handguns

In response, Western Australia is introducing new gun laws affecting ‘every single firearms licence holder in the state’ by legislatively declaring that owning and using guns is not a right but a privilege conditional on public safety considerations. White Americans 🇺🇸 experienced instaneous involuntary weight loss upon hearing these reports — defecating 💩 everywhere. 😱

While new restrictions sound good, it's all too fucking late — remember Bazza Unsworth's prescience? How does that keep getting forgotten or ignored?

black hand gun & gold bullets

[Bombara] would have been impacted by the numerical limits of the new laws, in that he would have only been able to possess five [fucking] firearms … He would have been subject to a health check with a mental health component. Paul Papalia, WA Police Minister not quite making sense of it all.

Clearly this is not good enough because Bombara had no criminal record, and legally possessed his guns under ‘recreational’ and ‘collector’ licences. How the fuck does anyone get to own two Glock handguns? And what's so magic about the fucking number ‘five’? All he needed was one. ⚰️

black hand gun & bullets

This individual, sadly was a fit and proper person right up until the time he committed that act. He was a law-abiding firearms owner right up until he wasn’t. Paul Papalia, WA Police Minister proving normal people shouldn't have guns.

This new gun legislation is being debated in WA parliament. What is there to debate but? Only police, military and specialist workers (e.g., those culling ferals) and some farmers should have access to firearms — Bridget McKenzie can get fucked — people who like guns are not good people — her imaginary ‘right’ to keep firearms shall never outweigh our right not to be shot.

combat hand gun & bullets