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How to Be a Better πŸ€“ Reader

Our interest in reading is well summarised in a NYT article where Tina Jordan points out that good reading can help sleep, smarts and empathy! What's not to like!? So, if you want to learn, experience or laugh β€” read a book! Jordan lists her sevenfold strategy to successful reading as …

1. Read the Right Book

To find something good to read, decide if it's for pleasure or intellectual challenge or escapism β€” and go there!

Even creepy Bill Gates has recommendations! Or just go to the library.

2. Make a Reading Plan

3. Read Deeply

4. Read Critically

5. Explore Formats

6. Read Socially

7. Book Experiences

The article is much better than our earlier post about How to Read a Book πŸ“– because it's much more concise! πŸ™‚

Books can also reduce stress levels because (psychologists think) the brain has to concentrate while reading and that distraction eases tension β€” as little as six minutes can slow heart rate and relax muscles.

This is … an active engaging of the imagination as the words on the printed page stimulate creativity and you enter … an altered state of consciousness. Dr David Lewis, cognitive neuropsychologist.