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How to Learn 🤟 Language

To learn another language you need to understand how language learning works so that the language becomes instinctive. This happens via immersion learning where content is accessed constantly and in different contexts. 🤔

multi-lingual signs

Immersion exposes learners to new words, phrases and grammar. So, one first needs to know how to read the language because each language uses its own syntactic system and grammatical structure (English is renown for not following its own rules and therefore very hard to learn).

And, once you can read the language you can build a foundation of words …

80% of language is made up of one thousand words. Somewhat true advice.

‘Skill-building’ is a language learning system that focuses on knowing vocabulary and grammar combined to make sentences. This learning style is for learning quickly e.g., if you were going to Italy for two weeks of holiday travel. It, however, isn't as effective if you're seeking fluency.

To speak fluently, you don't have enough time to conjugate verbs and create complete sentences. Our native language, English, has been acquired so that we don't need to think to speak it — it's instinctive and immersion is what let us reach this level of fluency (typos not withstanding 😹).

Immersion is exposing yourself to a new language by living it — watching TV, TikTok, NetFlix, reading and web surfing in that language and immersion exposes you to all these different contexts.

spanish graphitti

Learning a language takes time so immerse yourself in content you enjoy and replace social media with study!

In order to immerse yourself in a language you need to practice. Doing a little but often because learning a language is a marathon — not a sprint!