John ‘Coward’ 🙀 Howard
When Colin Powell told the world about Saddam Hussein and Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, Australia's own cricket tragic, John ‘Coward’ Howard, joined the coalition of the killing. A lot of people died because these gutless cunts lied. Cabinet papers from 2003 have revealed how Howard and co. kept the lie going.
Australia's Defence department tried to reduce combat troop numbers to train troops in Iraq and Afghanistan instead but the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet rejected their plan. According to the newly available papers from the National Archives, it was more important that Australia suck up to the Bush administration’s bullshit and lies. 💩 🇺🇸
Accordingly, Australian pollies like Howard stopped talking about the ‘missing’ weapons of mass destruction — while at the same time claiming the search for them was justification to remain. Australian troops would not fully leave Iraq before four (this number is contested however) of them were killed and 47 defintely died in Afghanistan. Howard was awarded a trinket (below) but, and that's what counts (if you're a complete cunt).
What the government didn't fail to find but was business opportunities in the devastated country. Even America recognised the importance of Australian wheat exports to Iraq while busy killing collaterally damaged civilians.
Australia will take any steps necessary to preserve Australia’s traditional share of the Iraqi wheat market post-conflict. Australian government's position on trade with Iraq.
Australia's offical carpet bagger Mark Vaile (then trade minister) was tasked with promoting and securing Australian commercial interests — mainly wheat and oil. This was before revelations that Australia's Wheat Board had been paying so-called ‘kickbacks’ in the United Nations' oil for food scheme.
The failed military adventure cost at least 200,000 Iraqi (but not Australian) lives and the regional instability it caused saw the rise of Islamic State. Good job little John — you cowardly cunt — a dog like your dodgy racist hero — Don Bradman.
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