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Josh Aloiai 🏳️‍🌈 Fantasises Ian Roberts

But, only when praying or masturbating? Ian, however, likely described Manly's seven ‘Fag-Fearing Fuckwits’ (aka the Manly 🌈 Rainbow Rebels) ringleader as a ra-tard and ‘not my type — definately.’

ian roberts

Ian's also totally sick of the bullshit reasons given for not wearing the club’s Pride jumper and even questions Aloiai’s claim his gay sister supports his homophobia. But the Sea Eagles' simpleton tough guy has had enough criticism.

I'm over it bro. We be da ones being fair bro, but we copped the flak bro. We just hate fucking pooftas bro. It says so in the fucking bible bro so get fucked get fucked, bro. I'm a critical thinker, bro. Ignorance is justified when it's based on god and it's a great excuse for bashing poofs bro. Like if we be physically doin' it we'd get in strife bro and not be able to give tithes to church bro. But we don't need no Pride round for inclusion and acceptance bro. We need people to understand our point of view is valid and should be included bro. Ooga Booga. Ooga Booga. Booga Ooga. Bro.

Ian's pissed that Aloiai won’t wear the Pride jumper or play in a Pride round.

Why isn't he going to wear the jumper? He sounds very ignorant. He says, ‘We're accepting of all people’ but draws the line at wearing a rainbow. He's saying he is loving and christian but the acceptance isn't for everyone. It's hypocritical … Ian Roberts, rugby league legend.

Aloiai flew back from England after getting injured and the World Cup — not on the wings of an angel but — angry with critics of his primitive prejudice.

josh aloiai running with ball

They're the ones that create such an uproar when you don't agree with them and want to support their agenda bro. Face it bro ... most people dun like poofs bro. All opinions — no matter how idiotic, backward or uninformed should be accepted, bro. We be the ones being fair, bro, but we be copping most flak for it, bro. I'm over it, bro. I see people preach inclusivity but then as soon as we've made a stand of faith, they've segregated and ostracised us bro. You tell me who's the non-inclusive ones, bro? Like if we be calling out fags without the backing a magic fucking sky fairy we'd be just bigoted bogans but, bro. Peace, bro.

The NRL had considered a Pride Round for the 2023 season but a Sydney Morning Herald poll in February showed 82 per cent of NRL chief executives and club chairmen were against it. What a bunch of gutless dumb cunts pandering to the god-bothering imbeciles and their stupid fucking faith.

For some in rugby league land it's still the 19th century, bro.