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Manly 🌈 Pride Jersey

Reverend Dr Ooga Booga has never met the Manly rugby league players who chose to boycott rather than wear a rainbow jersey offending their bullshit bogan beliefs about sexuality — seven fag-fearing fuckwits, all.

Manly Sea Eagles Pride jumper

He’s proud of them but, and not just for their test haircuts but because ‘christianity takes a very strong root [pun intended] in primitive people’ said Booga, from the Idiotic Evangelical Church in Bumcrack, New South Wales.

Whatever bible say is very authoritative to us. Personally, as an ignorant uninformed idiot, I are very proud. Reverend Dr Ooga Booga.

He claims that Manly's attempt at inclusivity has created a shitstorm between Australia's religions and normal people over sexuality and same-sex marriage.

Theologically conservative bigots, like Booga, think Pride (aka tolerance and respect) contradicts the bible — clearly demonstrating their complete ignorance of what the book actually is — who wrote it, why, when, and for whom.

two men married

Asked if he had any comprehension of these important elements his eyes rolled back in his head and he replied in an impressive voce sonora.

Ooga Booga Ooga Booga Ooga Booga. Booga Ooga.

When asked about lethz-biens he claimed …

There be no such thing. Just inner city progressive-type trope thinking we be insecure enough to think our missuses be thinking about girls pussay when we be doing the business on them. It's a fucking [pun intended] myth. My missus loves it when I give her a good god-sanctioned rogering in the name of the father — it's not called the missionary position for nothing! But not with lights on, of course. And none of this continental stuff — they just get confused.

Another ra-tard-ed reverend, this one National Chair of something called the Assembly of Confused Congregational Cunts (ACCC), said christianity meant ‘worshipping an eschatological preacher who may, or may not, have existed and who didn't found a religion regardless — who said we was “pigs and swine” — is ingrained in our society. It's not just going to church on Sunday, it's part of our DNA, part of our culture, it is who we are: violent brutes who don't like fucking pooftas.’

Manly has no right to force their inclusive ideology on simple players. I are very proud of them for standing up against the push push in the bush to embrace something we, as real dum cunts, cannot. We be proud of our prejudice. Fucking faggots. ACCC national chair.

rainbow over manly

But believing in something that does not exist creates conservative cunts not independent thinkers.

A spokesman for catholics said …

Forcing a player, like priests force-feeding choir boys cock, to wear a jersey that contradicted their fuckwit faith, or other magic sky fairy values, failed to demonstrate the inclusivity the club wanted to promote. And it's not like they complained about wearing a strip funded by gambling or something important. AMIRITE!?

The Archbishop for Anglicans Against Anal (AAA) said Sydney had a ‘pluralistic community’ that had seen rapid social change.

So, we dress conversation up in drag like there's a fucking conversation still to be had so we sound reasonable while being creepy christian conservative cunts at the same time. We're playing the long-game here — think Roe v Wade — we're going to defeat the abomination of same sex marriage. It's only a democracy if we get what we want. AAA genderfreespokesperson.

According to another prominent god-bothering idiot apologist players should not be forced to support a position [pun intended] they did not understand

If I want it in the arse I'll fucking say so. The power of the rainbow has always been that it’s promoted by people who want, but aren't forced to recieve, swollen goods aft. Same-sex marriage is too fucking [pun intended] good to be true so we can't have it — it has created unnecessary hurt and division for all — like fucking someone in the arse and not even offering a reach around. Some aggro catholic cunt called Tony Abbott.

two drag queens

There's lots of people who identify as christian in this country so, there's a lot dum cunts. ScoMo was re-elected for fuck's sake. Sexuality in many communities was fucking fluid before them missionaries arrived, so thank fucking god we fucking stopped it. Some aggro conservative catholic cunt called Tony Abbott.

Fuck! 🤯 Even some smug clown over at Crikey felt compelled to weigh-in with faux intellectual vigour.

But not all league players are happy-clapping muppets living cuntish conservative god-bothering existences. One current first-grade forward says ‘I'm not a one-stop shop. Love's love and I love to share it with everyone.’ 😘