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Marriage šŸ¤µā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤µā€ā™€ļø Equality

Still reeling physically, philosophically, sexually and intellectually after their humiliating defeat by same sex marriage equality advocates four years earlier, the ScoMo government has ā€˜insertedā€™ (their words, not ours šŸ˜‚) so-called religious freedoms back into the political arena.

house of reps, canberra

Attorney-General Magda Cash met with fascists and other church groups to kick-start a lobbying blitzkrieg to enact god laws before the next election.

One such lobby Freedom Fucksticks for Faith (FFfF), run by Prick Parkinson, is setting up a ā€˜religious freedom to be cunts weekendā€™ where priests and other paedos will preach the need to protect religious freedom. Attendees are urged to pressure their MPs by any means necessary.

The government's new Religious Discrimination Bill would therefore prohibit discrimination based on faith and enshrine the tolerance of intolerance. This would give greater freedom to cunt ra-tards like Israel ā€˜fuckstickā€™ Folau to be god's bigots and let religious organisations, and their so-called charities, act on their primitive discriminatory beliefs against people smart enough to know there's no fucking god or jus' enjoying a bit'o the old ā€˜lezth be friendsā€™ or ā€˜mano y manoā€™ action which ScoMo and co. fear more than anything.

For example, the law would make it illegal for companies to limit employee ability to express their racist/sexist/homophobic ā€˜religiousā€™ views outside workplaces ā€” as long as they invoked some non-existent magic sky fairy.

Fearing transparency, Senator Cash would not disclose those she met with but did say she's ā€˜engaging with stakeholdersā€™ (i.e., those who would've burnt witches, gays etc., at the stake, when legal) about the proposed legislation to ensure that all views ā€” no matter how idiotic ā€” were carefully considered.

The bill arose from a former Howard government minister who lied about refugees throwing their children into the sea ā€” Philip ā€˜Razor Wireā€™ Ruddockā€™s religious freedom review and an Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry into allowing religious schools discriminate against LGBTQI children.

all colours are equal in a rainbow

Not fully understanding how democracy works (because if everyone is equal then you don't need to convserve your place over anyone else), FFfF members urged ScoMo to heed his election commitment to fuckwits of faith.

We're disappointed after an election promise by ScoMo to provide protection for ā€˜religious freedomā€™ ā€” the right to be cunts ā€” yet nothing has been introduced into Parliament. We ask that Parliament make it a priority for us pricks. We used to rule the world and now we don't but we need to ruin someone's life or else what good is god? What about our angst? God-bothering cunt Prick Parkinson.

One key issue is whether so-called ā€˜religiousā€™ organisations will retain the ability to hire and fire staff who align with their cunt values and beliefs. For example, religious schools or nursing homes being able to sack gay or gender diverse staff for being different or by putting the traditional man/woman definition of marriage back into federal legislation.

Completely overestimating their worth in the broader community, FFfF even threatened to ā€˜outā€™ any MP who disagreed about the need for so-called strong religious freedom laws so voters can be intimidated at the ballot box.

They also want legal guarantees that they keep their charitable (i.e., tax-free) status no matter how uncharitable their actions.

All this nonsense arose after the 2019 election when a then opposition frontbencher said Labor needed to deal with ā€˜religious voters who, not recognising modernity or democracy, felt lost and lonely because no thinking functioning adult listened to them or their cunty beliefs. They're part of the right-wing backlash against LGBTQI people when marriage equality was legalised.ā€™

The impetus for that shyte came via smarmy prick failed PM Chairman Mal (Turnbull) during the marriage equality debate empowering the Ruddock review which found religious freedom in Australia was not in ā€˜imminent perilā€™ but the protection of belief or faith in things that do not exist required ā€˜constant vigilanceā€™ and recommended legislative changes to enshrine their hatred.

Ruddock's review said religious schools should be treated like other religious bodies, and therefore not be required to make their facilities available for same-sex weddings on ā€˜religious groundsā€™ ā€” because they're ignorant cunts.