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Misinforming 🤷 Misinformation

Terrified of truth and their god-bothering support base, federal Labor will, once again, kowtow to so-called ‘religious expression’ (aka racism and homophobia) by delaying proposed misinformation laws following ‘free speech’ 🤣 concerns raised by creepy christians and other cunts.


Communications Minister Michelle ‘No Rorts’ Rowland said it's too hard doing things objectively because they'd get voted out of office if they stood up to these dogrooters.

We are taking this very seriously. [Intellectually, that's not possible, but] we do want to acknowledge and actually act on the consultation and the work that a lot of people have put into it [and we are scared 😧 of those cunts].

It is not known yet what may change in the legislation, which empowers the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to ensure Facebook, X et al., police misinformation ('fake news’ etc.) posted to their platforms. The proposed bill describes fines multi-million dollar fines. So, the zuck could be liable for billions if he lets bullshit (like anti-vacc shyte) spread again.

Rowland, however, is adamant that religious protections would be added to address concerns raised by fuckwits of faith — going so far as to state ‘We want to make it as explicit as possible that nothing in this bill can inhibit religious expression’ — aka prejudice and intolerance — what god-botherers like to call ‘free speech.’ Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 🤣 ha!

This bill is a fucking dangerous attack on freedom of expression — god cures Covid! Everyone as fucking dumb as ScoMo fucking knows that so, get fucked 🖕 get fucked. Taking god-botherers seriously.

Critics claim the bill’s definitions of ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ are too fucking broad, which Rowland said would be reassessed as a result of the feedback. Misinformation is currently defined as ‘unintentionally false, misleading or deceptive material that is reasonably likely to cause serious harm’, while the definition of disinformation is the same but for material that is deliberately false. Opponents say this broad scope could see ‘disfavoured opinions’ (aka complete crap) come to be labelled and regulated. 🫨