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More Languages Make You πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸ« Smarter

Big-brained Rob Conery looks at how neuroscience considers words as being more than audible representations of sounds β€” they are the β€˜abstraction of our higher brain function.’ Words are language and limiting yourself to a single language may ultimately limit your cognitive abilities. 😢

lots of words

Words are the very structure of our higher reasoning β€” if you can't say it, you can't think it … Words are cognitive variables strung together to represent feeling, emotion, memory β€” abstractions made concrete by the words we put to them. πŸ“² Rob Conery, Technologist.

He looks at this in relation to programming languages where we tell machines how to think β€” which is a direct reflection of how we think. Code or any other non-native language are language abstractions used to describe problems that computers β€” or speakers of another language β€” can understand.

Context rules! How problems are solved directly relates to how we think in that language. πŸ€”

Different problems may be better solved with different languages. So, which language lets you solve a particular problem, best? How do those languages allow you to think more effectively about a problem?

Even this thinking about can expand your thought processes β€” the reflecting on how you would solve or say something in another language. But it's not just about thinking differently but thinking smarter because you can solve problems β€” or express yourself β€” better and in multiple ways. πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ