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Multicultural 😛 Madness

Look, I don't want to be cancelled here (so I'll very carefully obfuscate my reactionary racism) but let's face it — successful multiculturalism is just hard work. I mean, there are very fine people, on both sides. Don't believe me? Just ask the poms — once the all riots have stopped! 👮 🪧 🚔 😆

protesters in manchester

So, with that disclaimer, I'll make sure I can't be criticised by stating that ‘violent racism’ (Cf. plain racism) is just not cricket! But, I'll even water that down by saying (to sound oh-so-reasonable 😆 hinting that there are mitigating circumstances for being racist) that efforts to understand the situation (i.e., that racism can be cricket) show that UK immigration is a failure of social integration (which is not white people's fault BTW).

As evidence, remember that Britain had a prime minister of Indian and African descent which proves beyond any doubt that legal protections for minorities (affirmative action etc.) are no longer necessary. But did you know that in some UK areas there are people who speak little or no English who feel they have no franchise in the nation (and not just because they don't)? Even worse, among them are some who are antagonistic towards liberal western values and we just can't have that — white is right — AMIRITE!?.

You can't call them ‘darkies’ or ‘spades’ anymore but they live near multi-generation white English (not Indigenous Australian) people who have seen their neighbourhoods degraded by newcomers and whose anger at economic loss to globalisation and modernisation is exacerbated by the presence of people they think are the reason for that loss, so it's OK to hate them.

more pommy protestors and police

Waxing lyrical, I'll point out (as so many others have) that the history of the world is one not just of continental drift, but of the movements of people across those continents, countries and islands. Western societies have accepted that they have something others want to be part of (after we ravaged their homelands, killed their people and exploited their resources to build our own prosperity upon) and patronisingly recognise that some of these ‘new arrivals’ bring attributes that might enrich our western societies.

I mean, it sounds peaceful. Until it’s not. 😱

One measure of how much the west has embraced immigration (proving we're not really racist but, rather, ‘prudently cautious’) is that, these days, we are ‘mostly’ horrified when immigrants are attacked in a place of worship but then still imply that their religion is not as good as our religion …

After all, jesus was white — AMIRITE!? 🙏

This is where I get really clever (god, I'm dripping 💦 wet!) where UK police have been sent in to protect the ever-increasing (like vermin) numbers of asylum-seekers who are being temporarily housed in overflowing hotels while their claims are processed. We may not yet know who each individual new arrival will turn out to be (terrorist or tradie?) but we know who we are (and, obviously, we knew who the civilised South Africans Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton spruiked as the right type of immigrant were). 😂

native police with guns

In Australia, we have a proud history of putting effort into successful cohabitation (after the genocide and slavery we inflicted on Indigenous Australians), including setting high white cricketing standards to call our country home (and I'll completely and conveniently ignore, the fact, that everyone in Australia who is not Indigenous is an immigrant/coloniser).

In the UK however, people driven by ignorance and ancient hatreds (which white people do not have) war in the streets. No wonder mobs attack them (clearly, it's not the mobs fault). Why can't they all be like British-accented persons of visibly migrant descent (i.e., not white) who ascend to Number 10 Downing Street (again, affirmative action is just wrong) and fail spectacularly on nothing but their merits, or lack thereof! 🤯

Also, don't forget, immigrants treat women as second class — while we definately don't! That's why we tried so hard to stamp out Indigenous language — to prevent Redfern ghettos! If you can't communicate well enough to perform a role — you're not an Ozstraaylian 🐨 🦘 🇦🇺 and you don't belong here.

And communities of difference (i.e., darkies) can become dependent on welfare (it's true, just ask Trump) which, rightly or wrongly (wriggle room!) is resented by the equally welfare-dependent native-born residents of the low socio-economic class. Where there's competition over resources hatred can ensue. So, racist riots are not their fault — skinheads 👨🏻‍🦲 are people too!

On the other hand, there are many migrants like the Sunaks who become fully a part of their new home without repudiating their heritage. Rishi Sunak identifies as a practising Hindu (and everyone knows that Hindu nationalism is not racist) a fact that wasn’t in conflict with his full participation in British liberal democracy because with that much money — he is white! 👨‍🦳

uk test cricket ground

The UK shows that successful multiculturalism is hard work. It is a constant choice, which requires us to understand that liberalism isn’t the natural state of humanity, but a culture itself (so it's really the Left) which natives (white people) and newcomers (non-white people) have to opt into.

Update: 10 September, 2024

VD Vance has shown that in the US it's even worse because immigrants are stealing and eating 🐈 🪿 family pets 🦮 🐇 for food (fucking savages). 😱

Please don't forget what I'm most proud of — that being — I am so dishonest and so devoid of integrity that whenever I am airing my putrid ♨️ pussy — even flies 🪰 die when they alight on it. 🤮

butt ugly but
Guest commentator Putrid Puss-Eh McGuiness has a head like a bashed crab and the personality to match. Before gender affirming surgery, they self-harmed but, now, run an ‘agency’ specialising in social media posts about nothing and advising real dum cunts on how to avoid the 💩 when it hits the fucking fan. They live alone in Zetland, where they fucking belong.