Nitwit 🤠 Nationals
Those pesky junior C🪨al-ition partners — the nitwit Nationals — have ramped up their fear-mongering dishonesty to appease a scone scomping reactionary dogrootering support base. Their david👦🏻littleproud
shouldn't be in public but because he always looks like he's just done a big 💩 in his pants — or seen pussy for the first time.
And yet, that very same david👦🏻littleproud
is now whining that there should be no more renewable energy projects in regional Australia because the Paris Agreement is in Europe and not 🐑 white 🇦🇺 Australia.
His genius solution is to deliver renewable energy using bigger and more solar panels placed on city skyscrapers. He reckons that regional communities shouldn't have to look at wind and solar farms because they've been staring at the near dustbowls their unsustainable farming practices and species extinction and feral introduction have so proudly fostered for generations and ‘now’ is not the time for change.
We have now got to a saturation point in regional Australia from these renewable projects of industrial scale.
, failing to not sound like Barnaby 🐷 Joyce.
In fact, the Nationals' zero tolerance for renewables matches the net zero challenge coming the other way! 🫠 And this is a major problem for the senior C🪨al-ition partners who need to win voters with a brain and understanding of the importance of change — unlike this fucking clown. 🤡
The Labor government is committed to make renewable energy the major component of the power grid by 2030
and reduce emissions before reaching net zero by 2050
. Billions of dollars under the Capacity Investment Scheme is earmarked for private businesses constructing wind and solar farms and transmission lines delivering electricity — a lot of money and a lot of jobs.
Meanwhile, the C🪨al-ition is calling for lifting bans on nuclear power which they want to replace coal-fired power stations — one enormously dangerous polluter for an even more enormously dangerous one. Plus, rich cunts can get even richer. ☢️ 🚫 ☣️
But they're not all reactionary ra-tards. For example, Farmers for Climate Action supports clean energy development and understands that landowners can earn good money from lease agreements for the use of their land.
The National Farmers Federation, however, wants to ensure that there are very high standards of community consultation guaranteed — something along the lines of … a Voice to Parliament. 🫨 In support, lots of dogrooters rallied in front of Parliament House where an Über-bush bogan told them that …
[Renewable energy] is filth that's all over our countryside. Barnaby 🐷 Joyce, hypocrite (but he might have been sober or not).
But we don't take the nitwit Nationals seriously — and neither should you.
[They're a] squalid little party controlled by a kindergarten child. Noel Pearson, Indigenous leader.
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