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Nuclear ☢️ Reactionaries

Reactionaries are those who devalue moral and intellectual integrity in order to regress a society to a mythical time and place. In Australia, they believe the 1950s and 1960s were ‘better’ and that ‘Pig Iron’ Bob (aka Robert Menzies) will (at least metaphorically) rise from the dead and lead white Australia back to a conservative utopia where women, Blacks and gays know their place. They support nuclear energy and reject renewables like wind power.

wind farm

Ra-tards in regional Australia have long been susceptible to conspiracy theories and conservative clap-trap (e.g., in 1947 when PM Ben Chiefly tried to nationalise banking the Country Party threatened to use physical meansà la January 6 — to oppose it). And so, disreputable dogrooters like Ian Pilmer descend on rural Australia to convince locals that living near Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton's proposed nuclear reactors will be a ‘good’ thing because it will benefit the few with (electrical, economic and electoral) power.

Ultimately, loose coalitions of conservatives feed into a river of reactionary strategies designed to take Australia backwards to Menzies' ‘Golden Age’ and make more money for billionaires like Dutton's bestie Gina Rinehart.

Remember, beauty may only be skin-deep but that ugly goes all the way to the bone. Western Aranda proverb.

fugly fat bitch

And, as said elsewhere, this utterly undemocratic rich people 🐂 💩 is even more reason for confiscating and redistributing the wealth of all billionaires. Their interests are not humanity's interests. 💰 🤑

SMH details several others in this climate science-denying cohort like Supermarionation muppet Will Shackel who presents dishonest drivel as some sort of boy-genius solution he's come up with (in his Aspergers-friendly basement) in order to defeat renewable energy. Anyone calling nuclear energy ‘clean’ or ‘green’ is a lying cunt — even if they're ‘underage’.

wind turbine

Shackel's disingenuous quest is supported by his enabling mother and Dick ‘Head’ Smith who has pumped cash and supportive shyte 💩 about how bad wind farms are like a billionaire Barnaby 🐷 Joyce. Again, this campaign is about those with interests firmly and forever rooted in the past — they want to hold onto — and keep making — more and more money and enhance their undemocratic power and influence and will say and do anything they can to achieve these definitively reactionary goals — including reversing marriage equality (but keeping that bit quiet until they garner more support). Don't believe us? Look at those who opposed same-sex marriage — many of the same people: the unfortunately monikered, david👦🏻littleproud, Barnaby 🐷 Joyce, Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton et. ali.e., not good people.

Offshore wind farms do not harm sea life.

Another common element to all these characters 🤡 is a delusional self-regard and self-interest as individuals and their hatred of any social egalitarianism (such as marriage equality). Their criticisms of renewable energy are not credible and they lie continuously like their puppet-soul-mate-masters and Über-conservative cunts at the ludicrously titled Centre for Independent Studies and the odious Trump-leaning (as in American) Institute of Public Affairs which funded ‘research’ 🤣 claiming, on behalf of industry (like they're doing currently against renewables), that tobacco 🚬 did not cause lung cancer. Both of these fuckwit fascist think-tanks are about as ‘independent’ as Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton's filthy fucking colon. 💩 😱

They're also using the same strategy that was turned against the Voice to Parliament — infinitively repetitive and negative — lie after lie after lie. As with DJ Trump — brazenly tell dullards the same shyte over and over again and, eventually, they'll believe it.

wind farm

Another lie told repeatedly is the ‘three-eyed fish’ meme from The Simpsons cartoon. No one thinks that nuclear energy causes three-eyed fish (although birth defects from radiation exposure are real), the cartoon is a satirical representation of American culture and the inherent dangers of nuclear power. Reactionaries dishonestly ‘disprove’ this joke and then use it as fake evidence that nuclear is actually ‘safe’. These are not good people.

The aforementioned team leader and einstellung poster-boy Pilmer also spews racist bullshit about the slavery practice of blackbirding — cloaked in faux tongue-in-cheek style — marking him as one angry old white cunt.

If ‘blackbirded’ Tuvalu teenagers received a ‘woke-free’ Australian education, they could bring back knowledge to their homeland and make Tuvalu a better place. Ian Pilmer, climate science & history denier.

Pilmer's academic career went no where interesting and he's now trying frantically to resurrect some semblance of relevance. Apparently, he denies climate science because it didn't involve him and he's angry and frustrated he can't get an erection and looks like a fat dying turd so nobody will touch him even if he could. 🤮 Ian Pilmer is not the future — he is the past.

No one is saying there's aren't any negative issues with renewable energy, but as long as these are addressed properly and we, as a nation, work towards a brighter future (isn't that what conservatives always say but never mean?) you can't seriously suggest the faux alternatives of coal and nuclear are even in the discussion about a modern and sustainable Australia.

road to the future

The negative claims about wind farms and their ‘effect’ on landscapes are probably the most common lie told by pro-nuclear campaigners. But they're always happy to destroy the environment to build whatever else they can make more money out of — as long as it's more (here, uranium) mining, more cattle or sheep — more ‘development’ of the same archaic industries etc., that they control. They were so busy dishonestly and lazily dismissing climate science (and, again, promoting rogue voices of dissent like that fat prick Pilmer to protect their out-of-date interests) they ‘missed the boat’. So much for all their schtick about ‘free’ markets. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 🤣 ha!

And, as an aside, we should never forget that nuclear weapons testing under Menzies deliberately exposed Australian soldiers to radiation …

The whole project is a striking example of inter-Commonwealth co-operation on the grand scale. England has the bomb and the knowhow; we have the open spaces, much technical skill and great willingness to help the Motherland [now, Gina Rinehart]. Howard Beale, Minister of Supply, 4 May 1955.

So, it's hardly surprising that Nuclear for Australia feature in ‘frequent and positive’ ultra-conservative media coverage in the Daily Telegraph and Sky ‘News’. But don't believe their hype because, as we've said …

Some (if not many) cockeys support renewable energy and make $300,000 per kilometre of transmission lines on their land. The C🪨al-ition should be careful because those living near nuclear power plants don't want their property values adversely affected. Renewables can also be great for farmers by giving economic security for land degraded by unsustainable farming practices. Bottom line but, renewable — not nuclear — energy is better for all. 🌏