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Bondi Media

Peter Dutton is NOT a Monster

Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton is a George Pell apologist, a racist and a liar but he is not a monster — just ask his wife! Which begs the question ‘what sort of person opens their legs for someone so appalling’? 🤮 Maybe ask Melania or why is it OK for for him to denigrate those who are different and disadvantaged but not his wife who's defended her privacy by giving interviews about her private life? 🤷🏼‍♀️

he's not a monster, just creepy

Families probably should be off limits but both Dutton and Albo have given interviews with their partners — bringing their respective families into the media spolight — to win over voters. 👎

However, Victorian Labor's attempts at undergraduate humour (putting the above ‘ad’ on facebook) have failed badly. Albo's gone bunta and told them to take it down. Clearly Labor hasn't learnt a fucking thing from the US Democrats and their use of ‘attack ads’ and Labor will probably lose the next federal election but they seem in-fuck-ing-cap-able of capably communicating any message (another characteristic taken from the Democrats). 👎

peter dutton

[Melbournites are] scared to go out to restaurants of a nighttime because they are followed home by these [Black African] gangs. Dutton dumping on, & lying about, Melbourne migrants — but not his wife.

And let's face it, if someone looks like a cunt, talks like a cunt and acts like a cunt … they are a cunt and will probably become an even bigger cunt. 😱