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Read πŸ“– 200 Books πŸ“š a Year

According the Quartz, you can regain the time to get through 200 books or more, each year, by reading instead of being on life-wasting social media. Sounds simple …

200 books

Investor Warren Buffett says the secret to his (financial) success is reading 500 (non-fiction) pages every day …

That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will. Warren Buffet, investor icon.

And here's the breakdown …

Just start

Most people don't even consider reading 500 pages per day β€” the mere thought of it dismisses the idea. But if you actually start … πŸ™‚

Do the maths

The average Australian reads at a rate of 220 words per minute with 60% comprehension but, apparently, many can read 400 or more words per minute. And the average non-fiction book has ~50,000 words. So …

Make the time

Your average skippy 🦘 spends almost two hours per day on social media. And if you cut that in half … there's your annual reading time β€” or more!

Set up for success

pile of books

NB: We're not advocating reading hundreds of books each year to make you obscenely wealthy (like Warren Buffet). The point is the method β€” the commitment β€” the habit β€” the discipline and mindset that it takes to do it and improve yourself via the imbibed knowledge from reading books.