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Regional Renewable Resistance 🖕

Ra-tards are angry about the rollout of renewable energy in Australia. Hypocrisy, lies and lunatics like Barnaby 🐷 Joyce, fuel this primitive scone-chomping reactionary rubbish. But after generations of raping and killing Indigenous Australians, and their land, these extremists need to be the ones made 🐨 extinct. And it's whales 🐋 and wind farms that prove truth is what lights the way — not the darkness (aka nuclear ☢️ winter) of the C🪨al-ition and co.

windfarm & cows

The oft non-sensical crap (reminiscent of Trump-Vance republican retweets) continuously spewed by fuckwits like Katy McCallum across regional Australia goes to receptive — usually, over 50 year old — dumb as fuck farmers.

McCallum's another moron not believing in man-made climate change but does claim a ‘deep appreciation for community and the unique fabric of the Australian way of life’ (similar to what Indigenous Australians enjoyed before colonisers killed them and stole their land) and she has noticed changes (social justice, equality, marriage equality etc.) ‘threatening traditional Aussie values’ (like Blacks not deserving their land because they didn't develop it etc.) so she's ‘secretly’ campaigning for a senate seat and fighting against various renewable energy projects in the Gympie Region and she's vice-chair of even another bunch of reactionary ra-tards called NREN.

As with others in this cohort of dishonest and confused cunts, the lies and rubbish she spews use the same tactic that other voices of the ‘Right’ use to stoke fear in the hearts of halfwits. She's also linked with something called Property Rights Australia which advocates for more handouts for farmers after the QLD government introduced a permit (HVA) allowing land-clearing for ‘high value’ agriculture — a leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions.

In NSW, over 60% of wooded land has been cleared and/or degraded by landholders — and much of it, illegally.

A lot of the opposition to renewable energy arose from small groups of locals arguing about transmission lines — power cables that connect the generators of energy to the (national) power grid. All of a sudden the murders of Indigenous Australians, species extinction and land theft pales into comparison to the outrage by fucking farmers not wanting their ‘view’ (of cleared and deforested land) ‘spoilt’. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

Not all cockeys are bad cunts but — many support renewable energy — especially those getting $300,000 per kilometre of transmission lines on their land. And watch out C🪨al-ition, those living adjacent proposed nuclear power plants don't want their property values plummeting. Good energy developments can be great for farmers by providing economic surety on poor land made even poorer by self-inflicted unsustainable farming practices.

One of the few legitimate concerns people have about renewable projects is how some projects haven't properly compensated some locals for loss of land and and other consequences but cunts like McCallum have woven this into conspiracy theory mendacity filled with (largely) online misinformation, disinformation and recruitment to their evil cause.

A lot of the opposition comes from small and ‘hobby’ farmers who don't have the amount of land that renewable projects require (their tune may well be different if they did). They even say shit like ‘the project would blight the rural landscape’. Other concerns relate to sun glare and using trees (which the farmers cut down before) to ‘soften’ the visual amenity effects. 🌳 🌇 🏜️

deforestation devastation

Coles supermarket's sustainability report identifies deforestation as a contributor to climate change and biodiversity loss but keeps selling beef linked to soy feed produced for cattle.

Many of these complainers are the same type of people who object to offshore wind farms, unaware (or not) that their concerns have been deliberately planted by C🪨al-ition associated clowns because it's fishing gear entanglements, whaling, plastics, starvation, over fishing, climate change and ship strikes that are the killers of whales and dolphins — the science is clear — offshore wind farms do not hurt whales. To suggest otherwise is ultimately because of disinformation funded by US fossil fuel interests.

In Australia, the false information arises from sources used to support Northern Territory gas field expansion.

So, when Barnaby 🐷 Joyce craps on as a conservative think tank funded by fossil fuel companies such as ExxonMobil and using derogatory terms like ‘wind factories’ and ‘industrialisation’ his simple brain misses the source of the information he spreads with such venom. Again, there are some valid concerns about the transition to new energy sources but not about whales and these can — and should — be mitigated.

humback whale

Low-lifes like Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton, the unfortunately monikered david👦🏻littleproud and that mendacious fat fuck Craig Kelly (who knew so little about Covid that it takes a special kind of moron to take his advice on wind farms or anything) keep lying though and the materials they present as ‘evidence’ are pixel-perfect re-prints of US based faux protests and many of those originated with the Ayn Randesque Atlas Network think 🙁 tank.

Who fucking cares if cattle men settlers can't afford to send their boof-headed boys to some rugby academy boarding school? Who?