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Religion 🙏 More Ridiculous Than 👸 Royalty

Think royalty is so ridiculous you can't make it up? Well, check out the codes royal women used to pay respect when the queen karked it. These descriptions were actually published with images of Kate, princess of which part of Eng-a-lund is Wales in? and Meghan, duchess of Suss-sex.

union jack waving muppet

Solemn photographs show the elegance of expressing respect through restraint and by embracing tradition … the women elegantly acknowledged their path into the pages of history … contemporary adaptations of the expressions of mourning by their formidable forebears …

The simple silhouettes of Kate and Meghan’s outfits provided backdrops for the jewellery, which spoke of personal connections to the Queen … a gentle whisper compared to the loud … Another layer of symbolism was added by their presence on the neck of her predecessor … Diana …

Kate … Charlotte, Meghan … Camilla … all express grief with style restraint [and priceless jewels stolen from poorer nations] … preferring pearls for their purity and lack of showiness compared to other gemstones.

Camilla … not usually a style setter, broke with tradition wearing a diamond and sapphire brooch. Rather than an act of bejewelled rebellion … it was a gift to Queen Victoria … displayed at the Imperial Institute in London … before disappearing into the family collection …

Anne escaped the dilemma of finding the appropriate brooch and hat by taking the medal approach … Andrew and Harry were prevented from wearing military attire, having retired … for vastly different reasons.

The above were the wankiest words written about anything, ever. So …

While Anne’s tight arse commanded respect, along with the looted jewels of Kate, Camilla and Meghan, it was a simple penis-shaped pin worn by Princess Harlot that spoke so simply to simpletons about the future. A gift from a queen, the princess’s brooch shows that jewellery will continue to express the feelings of royals for years to come — if only poor Jeffery (Epstein) were here to see it.

But, as ridiculous as royalty is …

Religion is Infantilising & not for Grown-ups

The whole thing [religion] is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this … Sigmund Freud, renown smart fella.

Saying you believe in ‘god’ is no different to saying that ‘unicorns’ actually exist. Claims based on nothing can be confronting and offensive to people with functioning cerebellums (that part of the brain playing a role in emotion and decision making) — especially given religion has been the preferred method of terror used to abuse, control and kill others — since time immemorial.

Churches have also been responsible for the systemic sexual abuse of children for centuries and yet they still proclaim and seek authority and control over the sexuality of minors. Religion is evil and the fact that some of its adherents aren't doesn't change that. For whatever good's come out of it, religion has caused more harm than anything else in human history.

Feel free to believe anything you want — absoultely fucking anything from royalty to religion — but, the moment you attempt to use your beliefs i.e., your feelings as justification/inspiration to adversely affect or interfere in the lives of others then you can go and get truly fucked.

Accordingly, we can say that faith is for fools and fuckwits so, please, no more telling people what to wear, what to eat, when/where/what they can do with their bodies or their lives or make any other idiotic or cunty commands. And leave the children, the fuck, alone you creepy cunts.

Just be excellent to each other and don't you fucking dare try to justify your own cuntish behaviour with your bullshit bogan beliefs. No one cares cunt — least of all your foul fucking god. Just ask ScoMo! 🤣

father, why hath thou forsaken me?

As someone on the 380 said:

It's all shyte, mate.