Religious 🥒 Freedoms 🪓 Axed
Australian religious groups involved in schools, charities and health care, claim they have a god-given right to hire and fire employees based on sexuality and morality. Of course, if they didn't have an imaginary sky fairy instructing them it wouldn't be legal — but these dogrooters insist they answer to a higher authority. 😂
NSW's Minns government is totally fucking 😳 terrified (given their god-bothering support base) of alienating cweepy chwistian and other cunts by denying this so-called religious freedom (to be 🌮 cunts) and they have been threatened by definitively non-democratic lobbyists, accordingly.
Groups like Creepy christian ☦️ Schools Australia, Cunty catholic ✝️ Schools NSW and the Anti-Lesbi-terian 🛐 church all are pressuring them to maintain existing NSW Anti-Discrimination Act exemptions allowing private schools to legally discriminate against anyone their foul fucking (and imaginary) ‘god’ tells them is bad and who doesn't deserve equality or respect.
So what if there's nothing democratic about special fucking interest groups influencing how other people live their fucking lives? … Victims may include students and teachers. Someone called ‘god’, telling them to get the fuck over it. ⚡️ 😜
Sydney MP Alex Greenwich is still trying to get laws through parliament in order to prevent LGBTQI students and teachers from being expelled or terminated by religious schools on the basis of their sexuality. His legislation also fights the evil of conversion therapies.
Scheduled to be tabled in February, Greenwich’s Equality Bill includes removal of the requirement forcing transgender persons to have to have had surgery in order to change the sex stated on their birth certificates.
State Labor asked the NSW Law Reform Commission to review the Anti-Discrimination Act last year, in order to assess the dangers to themselves politically of removing exemptions within the act. This is widely viewed as a stalling tactic because they are 🐶 dogs cowardly soft-cocks.
Substantive submissions to the review, however, make it clear that the exemptions given to private schools are out-of-date with modernity and harmful to gay and transgender students and staff and should be removed. This position is also supported by the NSW Council for Civil Liberties.
Unsurprisingly, and still denying the existence of (the afore mentioned) modernity and democracy, the cweepy chwistian cunts and other god-botherers will fight to the death to keep their special status to discriminate in the name of their non-existent drop-kick deity. Remember, these are the same cunts who used to kill ☠️ people for having different belief systems.
As devoid of credibility as these happy fucking clapping cunts are, they still argue for the ‘right’ to employ staff who can promote their ‘character’ (as opposed to the thousands of other religious view points) in order to maintain ‘institutional integrity.’ They have even tried to argue that some of the review's terms of reference raise ‘issues and serious concerns.’
Democracy?! AMIRITE!? Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!
Cunty catholic submissions also argue that it is a fundamental ‘human right’ for god-botherering parents to control the religious and moral education of their children under the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights. But this is not true. Yes, Australia did sign that convention but enforced religious education is well established as a form of child abuse.
Another coalition of cweepy chwistian cunts is worried the review could lead to cweepy chwistians being forced to accept modernity — to intellectually grow-the-fuck-up but they fucking can't so that's not fucking fair. 😭
Just because it's fucking fashionable to apply equal rights to fucking homos or enjoy [democratic] community support is not an appropriate measure of either their importance or need for fucking protection. Creepy christian ☦️ Cunt Schools Australia.
Equal rights for fucking pooftas will undermine our schools' ability to operate with a consistent cunty christian ethos in all aspects of school life — including the boudoir! We only expel students on the basis of their sexuality if they don't complain about servicing our needs — which are god's needs. Fucking catholics can't have all the fucking fun! Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha! Anti-Lesbi-terian 🛐 church.
Also expected in February is the release of a review by the Australian Law Reform Commission to inform the federal government on these issues but don't hold your fucking breath — they are just as fucking cowardly. 😨
Remember, the most un-fucking-christian people you will ever fucking meet are always fucking christians … 🌮 🌮 🌮 … Paedo protectors like George Pell and that gutless piece of fucking shit Peter Hollingworth. Both of these vermin were promoted by dishonest cunts like John ‘Coward’ Howard. Hollingworth is still on his retired governor general $357,000 ($600,000 package) a year pension. What a dog. What a cunt.
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