Religious Freedoms 😡 Fury
Anyone looking for evidence for what complete cunts religious groups are — not to mention their foul deity — need look no further than the fury and turmoil exacted from potential changes to discrimination legislation. And, not surprisingly, front and centre in this imbecilic crusade is that dishonest dimwit — Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton.
Institutions founded on ‘everythinK’ from national socialism nonsense, hindu half-wittedness, buddhist bullshit, islamist idiocy, judaic jerkoffishness, cweepy chwistian crap, sikh silliness or any other faith-based fuckwittery claim that an imaginary magic fucking sky fairy (aka god) gives them the right to be cunts — usually in the form of prejudice to believers of other denominations, gays, women and the Über-pariah … transgender people!
Accordingly, they feel they should be exempt from laws protecting people who don't believe that shyte and/or choose to live differently — not because those people are hurting anyone but because they are different. But because control is the basis of all religions, their magic fucking sky fairy needs to harm those who are different — she/he/it fucking demands it.
PM Anthony Albanese (aka Albo) set poor Peter right off by impinging on his primitive prejudice over gay rights, gender issues and religious fucking ‘freedom.’ Dutton denounced Albo after Albo had said that he'd only proceed with anti-discrimination changes not affecting the rights of god-botherers to discriminate based on sexuality, pregnancy, gender identity and/or relationship status legislation, if there was bi-partisan support.
A man devoid of decency is criticising another man over a question of that other man's character. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha!
Despite some state-based protections, these so-called religious institutions can, under federal legislation, dismiss gay staff and/or expel transgender students because the group's god demands it. Former PM ScoMo tried to ossify laws for faith-based fuckwits but failed because even some Liberal party parliamentarians — like Bridget Archer and Fiona Martin — knew it was wrong.
Cweepy chwistians claim these are matters of principle — not politics — that it is about beliefs and values. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!
The government commissioned the ALRC Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws Report but hasn't committed to its recommendations — despite religion being stupid and dangerous. Raising children in the shadow of a vengeful fucking god is child abuse. Equality and respect for all is what should be taught — not fear and fucking loathing of some.
Shadowy C🪨al-ition attorney general Magda Cash has even warned that school fees may increase to fight legal challenges to their non-existent deity's right to discriminate. And let's face it, money 💰 is the real fucking god — because faith is for fools and other fuckwits.
But Labor (like their NSW counterparts) does fear fuckwits of faith at the ballot 🗳️ box. They fear the sort of cunts who want their children taught their vile faith. Remember, it was religous electorates that rejected modernity and humanity and voted against same sex marriage. Dutton's god rejects the rights of transgender adults and children, homosexuality and anything else that it does not like and enshrining that bigotry in law is what conservatives mean when they claim religious fucking freedom — freedom to be cunts.
Historically, however, these god-bothering conservatives have never been right about anything — not once — not a single solitary time. From flat-earth scripture to witchcraft to 21st century marriage inequality, never, ever, never have they been correct. They've always got it wrong. Why would they be right now?
There should be no right to deny human rights or discrimate against others because they don't subscribe to your foul faith. And so the ALRC report recommends changes that christian Schools cunts Australia (cScA), the Australian christian cunts Lobby (AccL) and those fun-loving Anglicans Against Anal (AAA) scream are an 'attack on faith and freedom of belief' — regardless of how unhealthy or dishonest that belief is or that it is used to harm others.
[The report] sounds the death knell to christian and faith-based schools and institutions in Australia. Michelle ‘Penetrate me, please’ Pearse, furious cScA Head. 🫠
The report recommends that religious schools lose their ability to dismiss staff and expel pupils over sexuality or gender identity differences — part of section 38 of the Sex Discrimination Act. Instead, it calls for the safeguarding of human rights. Labor claimed they would do that as an election promise.
But the report also says these institutions should still be able to build 'religious communities of faith' by preferring (cunty) job applicants with the same religious beliefs. Dishonest reactionary and conservative media will keep going on about this — make no mistake.
Change will extinguish their distinct and authentic character. Coalition of cunty Religious schools (CcRs), complaining, again.
Albo is dogging this but because the government has the numbers and it doesn’t actually need bipartisanship — certainly not from creepy C🪨al-ition cunts. Regardless, if we've said it once, we've said it a million fucking times …
The most unfuckingchristian people you will ever fucking meet are always fucking christians (or any other fucking type of fucking god-botherer). They are not good people. Religion is evil. Religion is putrid. Religion is the basis of all moral evil. Fuck religion and fuck its foul god. Free … everyone!
Don't agree? Check out the creepy old white men of would-be political king-makers (and John ‘Coward’ Howard besties) pictured below — the Plymouth Brethren cult — preaching end-stage capitalism, promoting 😂 women to housewives after years of indoctrination grooming and denying them university or leadership roles and hating 😠 on homosexuals. So, it's of no surprise they be a bunch of private jet-flying tax-avoiding disgusting old cunts.
Do you think those sinister gut-button-busting long-sleeved white shirts are poly-cotton? 🫢 Great posture boys!
Ultimately, religion serves as a divisive force investing humans with false senses of superiority … If the concept of God has any validity or any use, it can only be to make us larger, freer, more loving … If God cannot do this, then it is time we got rid of him. The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin.
And never forget that god wants women up the back, too.
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