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Bondi Media

Shame on you Australia 😳 Shame

At the same time many school children sat their HSC exams, their Aussie elders had their own intellectual litmus test and failed miserably. And, as with the marriage equality plebiscite (and elections in general), voting patterns followed education levels and lower dumber means No.

referendum voting form

As Niki Savva has put it so succinctly …

We wake this Sunday a frightened, resentful people unable or unwilling to see through the scares and the lies, prepared to use the ballot box to punish the government and in the process punish Indigenous people trapped in cycles of poverty and abuse.

You had your chance Australia but we live a democracy … even if it's one filled with dishonest racist dickhead dullards and dinosaurian dogrooters.

vote YES banner draped on house, north bondi.

So, calls by Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton, after defeating the Yes vote, for a Royal Commission into child abuse in Aboriginal communities are specious because he supported George Pell after he was found to have known about child sexual abuse and chose to protect perpetrator priests — not the children.

What I'm saying, effectively, is the same reason I gave for not supporting the apology to the Stolen Generations — Blaks rape children — George Pell and (at least, white) priests don't.

So, until the same conga line of cowardly cunts try and revert marriage equality (don't forget — a lot of the No vote 💰 came from cweepy chwistians) … you can all go and get fucked 🖕 get fucked. 😃

But wait, there's more!

As the AFR reported, the ‘trophy’ (for coming last?) wife of the Rio Tinto boss who had to resign after they blew up the sacred Juukan Gorge Indigenous sites, ridicules the defeated proposed Voice to parliament. Seriously delusional Muriel Demarcus actually had a blog called (unless it was meant to be ironic), absolutely dumped on the Yes campaign.

big boobs but neither bright nor beautiful boiler, posing

Frankly, I have always [being ignorant as fuck] struggled to understand why belonging to a specific group should be mentioned in the Constitution at all, and why it should give you special privileges … There can only be one standard [blanche!] and we are all equal. That’s what my French education taught me. It’s drilled in me [like a hole in the side of the Rainbow Warrior]. Apparently such a position made me a racist and, in some instances, a Nazi [well, some Vichy officers were três chaut!].

She went on to claim the Yes campaign was ‘an activist feast generously financed by Australian corporates … so disconnected with society.’

Update, 23 November 2023

Speaking of disconnection, the very-not-so-yummy-mummy is still crying out for attention with her departure from the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) over their support for the Voice to Parliament.

Apparently, her resignation email gives them a spray about their perceived position as a ‘bastion of wokeness’ who'd chosen ‘partisanship over healthy debate [sic]’ i.e., doing the right thing instead of clinging to her nonsensical ‘reality’ 🤪 where all opinions matter no matter how racist, idiotic or wrong.

The AICD could have unified the nation and led by example. What a missed opportunity. … [They] could have explained key concepts such as intangible heritage and free prior and informed consent. Former First Lady of Rio Tinto, making even less sense that usual. 🤪

She seemed to think AICD is linked to (if not responsible for), the recently repealed heritage laws in Western Australia but no one knows why.

Speaking of ignorant dumb as fuck, cunty Katherine Deves, former Liberal candidate for Warringah, has even questioned if ‘First Nations’ actually exist because there's zero evidence of a ‘Westphalian system of nations in Australia when Captain Cook showed up in 1788?’

But, as was made extremely clear to her by the ABC's (OMG, the shame! The shame! 🙀) election analyst, that cunt Cook showed up in 1770 while the first fleet and Arthur Phillip lobbed in 1778.

james ‘cunt cook’, defeated

… this Cook appears to reflect on his legacy in the contemporary world … the sculpture's mirror-like surface lends it a slippery, elusive presence, as if suggesting how perceptions shift … Michael Parekowhai, The English Channel.

SMH also detailed that despite all Mosman polling booths returning Yes votes, conservative cunt lobbyist Michael Kauter entertained that odious and ridiculous grub John Barilaro and like-minded morons, in his home at a post poll ‘democracy 🥳 party’ 🤮

Australians aren’t stupid and the gays don’t vote like sheep … Democracy always delivers [except in 2022] and this was not [something important like] Same Sex Marriage. Michael Kauter, rich gay cunt.

But, hey, no description of No promulgators was better than …

A bunch of rightwing swine. Martin ‘Film Director’ McDonagh.