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Simian 🦧 God Dogs

Christian Cunts Matter (CCM) was born in a Sydney toilet block (a shithouse, to borrow from the vernacular) when the marriage equality referendum prompted a group of confused conservative cunts, many of them from the moronite church (not to be confused with the moron church), to huddle together on the filthy floor over fears that children would be corrupted by the alphabet (a, b, c, d, e, f, g … ) literacy agenda creeping into mainstream Australia.

monkey with shocked expression

Dun let yuse kids learn da 3 are-s! Brah. Mick 'Thik As Brik' Sucker, conservative christian cunt.

This trend is part of the so-called religious rights movement linking them with anti-vaccination and conspiracy group ra-tards. Frustrated by the majority of grown-ups realising that faith is for fools, fuck-wits and people who voted for the likes of ScoMo, Eric Abetz, John Barilaro, Barnaby Joyce et al., some activists are becoming militant arseholes. And, they're using the language of religious crusades in attempts to achieve what they've determined is right for people with brain pans smaller than their genitals.

Speaking of which, some of these simple god-fearing folk think their cunt fucking kids seeing art works like Michelangelo's David, constitutes exposure to pornography. These are not good people and they are really really dumb and not just because they love cock but fear a penis (not to mention vaginas).

michelangelo's david flashes his pee pee

Patron saint of pedophiles and pedarasts George Pell's primary defender, CCMers and other god-bothering cunts claim their concerns are discriminated against by being ra-tards and feel overlooked by a democracy no longer living in the 13th century β€” frustration empowers their moronic movement.

Their primitive concerns are unheard because they're primitive β€” that is, they lack their own meaning or purpose. And that's not fair. We're so lost without George. He was our coc … oh, uhh, I mean … rock!Antoine, George Pell's main man.

But don't forget, these are the same dogrooters who were killing and torturing people for saying the earth wasn't flat or that the sun was the centre of the universe or that evolution is a thing or just because your magic sky fairy was different from their magic sky fairy.

Never once in recorded history β€” not a single solitary time have these cunts been right about anything β€” not once …

despondent chimps

Moronite church leader Chanel-Armani Tarabay also bemoaned what is happening in schools β€” particularly relating to teachings on gender and identity β€” and that children are being exposed to complex ideas that could see them navigate a complex world.

All without consultation of parents and without regard for their cuntish concerns. Ignorance saw these cunts through life quite well and that should be good enough for their cunt fucking kids. Chanel-Armani Tarabay, moronite church leader.

Religious and other far-right extremists are fuelled by petty grievances and fears that give losers like the Taliban, the CπŸͺ¨al-ition and their voters, creepy christians in general and other dogrooters, a reason to get up each morning β€” fear of: social change, women, abortion and, especially, LGBTQI rights and vaccines developed using aborted foetal cells making their penises smaller.

Reason is the first victim of strong emotion … Frank Herbert, Dune Messiah.

monkeys fighting

Religion has no power in secular society and the church can no longer control people's lives. So this mob’re facing an existential threat β€” they're fucked. But even this futile conflict takes them away from their pathetic insignificant lives turning them into warrior heroes β€” protectors of the faith β€” aka losers.

Good luck with that, cunts.

contemplative gorilla

I stand in their way … these political weirdos … To protect your children and your parental rights, vote 1 for my One Nation team on Saturday at this NSW election … Otherwise, you're just sticking your dick up a some bloke's arse and covering it with shit. Mark Latham, One Nation cunt.