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The Pope is a Dope

OK, so that dope pope Francis has apologised for his homophobic dismissal of gay 🏳️‍🌈 men wanting to join catholic seminaries. His slur occurred during some secret bishop's business get together in Italy. But what is a ‘seminary’ and why was he speaking against gay men joining them? 🤔

looking at the back of pope's head

A seminary is a theological (i.e., god-bothering) institution teaching dimwits or child-molestors in waiting (or both) how to be better. They were started by catholics but are also used by baptist bullshiterers and other cweepy chwistians. They used to teach women before that became unfashionable.

Anti-fairy Francis had been accused by cunts like cardinal George Pell of making the church to friendlier to LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 people, but then he 🎤 drops this on progressive priests! The Vatican now claims he ‘extends his apologies’ after using the offensive slang clanger while meeting with the bishops who asked if it was kosher to let openly gay men into seminaries …

The answer is — NO frociaggine on my watch! Dope pope Francis.

Papist apologists keep pushing the line that it was a private conversation but read the fucking room you silly old cock! You look like a complete fucking hypocrite. What the fuck happened to your message of inclusivity?

If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge? Dope pope Francis.

Previously, he'd also allowed priests to ‘bless’ same-sex couples which had upset the fuck out of conservative catholics like the Über-primitive African ones who support killing those who enjoy a bit o' ‘mano y mano’ because it's against the ‘word’ of some cunt called ‘god’ i.e., man-made church doctrine.

But criticism from conservative cunt catholics forced the Vatican’s doctrinal office to awkwardly ‘explain’ 🤣 that ‘blessings’ are not ‘formal rites’ and do not contradict church teachings against same-sex marriage and they should not take place during ceremonies and only last up to 15 seconds. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

Modernity has zero place in god's world. Not to mention these ooga booga cunts do not let openly gay blokes become priests anyway.

But, now, Francis is feeling lonely and isolated because the ooga boogists blew the fuck up …

The [pope's] edict has caused shockwaves and scandal in the African church … it contradicted the catholic view of gay sex as ”intrinsically disordered” and ran contrary to African culture. Confused Congolese cunt cardinal Fridolin ‘Ooga Booga’ Ambongo

The rule change is a heresy. Guinea(n) 🐖 cardinal Robert ‘suck me’ Sarah.

To be fair, he did fire back but …

The position [pun!] that priests can bless gay couples without approving of their marriage is too subtle for simple people to understand … god blesses all those who can be baptised, meaning everyone … Dope pope Francis.

dope pope benedict

The previous pope (Benedict, above, also a dope) officially excluded most gay men from the priesthood i.e., candidates who are ‘actively’ homosexual or have ‘deep-seated’ homosexual tendencies or support ‘gay culture’. His instructions allowed ordination only of those who had experienced ‘transitory’ 🤣 gay tendencies that were ‘clearly overcome’ 😜 at ‘least’ three years before ordination as a deacon (the penultimate step to joining the priesthood).

Francis reinforced this claptrap with the Vatican's ‘Congregation for Clergy’ issuing a document restating Benedict's ban. It said that the church could not overlook the ‘negative consequences that derive from the ordination of gays.’ Fuckwit Francis is concerned about gay celibate priests being seen as ‘hypocrites’. You cannot make this 💩 shit 💩 up.

Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

In consecrated life or that of the priesthood, there is no place for this type of affection … the church recommends that persons with this deep-rooted [pun, anyone? 😆] tendency not be accepted for ministry or consecrated life [or seminaries]. If in doubt, do not let them [a bum 🍩 pun if ever there was one 🤪] enter! Dope pope Francis.

According to the NYT, gay men probably make up at least 30-40 per cent of catholic clergy in America and Frederic Martel says 60-70 per cent of trainees in Italian seminaries are conflicted over their homosexuality due to conservative upbringings and hope to dodge the issue by being celibate. 😨

The crisis over sexuality in the catholic church goes beyond abuse. It goes to the heart of the priesthood, into a closet cage that is trapping thousands of men. Elizabeth Dias, New York Times.

The catholic church claims that homosexual acts are ‘disordered’ but they defend the church rather than punish rock-spiders. Francis opposes marriage equality but approves gay civil unions. No problem 😉 here! Ooga Booga!

gay couple

Some people believe that … in order to be good Catholics, we should be [fucking] like rabbits. No. Responsible parenthood. … In the church there is room for everyone, for everyone! No one is useless, no one is superfluous [not even gay boys!]. Dope pope Francis.

Just another fucking holy man … Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

Update: 14 June 2024

Fag 🏳️‍🌈 fearing 😱 fuckwit Francis doubles down that ‘there is an air of faggotness in the Vatican’ and that it's better that young men with homosexual tendencies be not allowed to enter [pun!] the seminary (be priests).