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Voice in the Wentworth Wilderness

The AEC says that electorates 'should be named after deceased Australians who have rendered outstanding service to their country.' William Wentworth was such a man. If there were more Wentworths, the world would be safe for white 🧑‍🦳 people 👨‍🦳 and their sheeps 🐏 to live in.

white supremacist william wentworth

The Aborigines of this country occupy the lowest place in the graduatory scale of the human species. They have neither houses nor clothing; they are entirely unacquainted with the arts of agriculture; and even the arms which the several tribes have … and the hunting and fishing implements with which they administer to their support, are of the rudest contrivance and workmanship. William Wentworth: white supremacist, founder Sydney Uni, division of Wentworth namesake & discoverer of what's on other side of Blue Mountains.

Like many great Australians, Wentworth actively fought against Aborigines having legal protection during colonisation. One of his proudest personal and professional moments came in 1827 as successful defence counsel for Lieutenant Nathaniel Lowe accused of murdering an Aboriginal prisoner. Wentworth told the court that Englishmen were justified in killing Aborigines as there was no law to protect those ‘one degree just above the beasts.’

drawing of white farmers attacking Aboriginal people

Wentworth also supported the farmers found guilty in 1838 of the slaughter of Aboriginal children and their families at the Myall Creek massacre. In the 1840s, attempts to allow Indigenous Australians to give evidence in court saw Wentworth go mental in his opposition. And rightly so!

Wentworth found great succour for his genocidal fight for an entirely white Australia in the works of evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin who scientifically proved that white superiority justifies domination of inferior races.

charles darwin sitting in a chair

At no very distant date, an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilised races … the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races … talent and virtue [are] features to be identified solely with Europeans … western nations of Europe … now so immeasurably surpass their former savage progenitors and stand at the summit of civilisation … as great apes go extinct the gap between civilised man and his closest evolutionary ancestor will widen … between civilised man and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla. Charles Darwin, white supremacist, The Descent of Man etc.

Wentworth was rightly contemptuous of Indigenous people because they fought for their own culture, language and lifestyle and wouldn't be civilised by whites. How dare they deny that white is right?! AMIRITE!?

Thirty years intercourse [a pun, if I ever heard one 😂] with Europeans has not effected the slightest change in their habit; and those even, who have the most intermixed with the colonists, have never been prevailed upon to practise any of the arts of civilised life … Frequent attempts have been made to divert them from their vagrant propensities, and to adopt some of the fixed occupations of social man; but except in one or two instances, these attempts have been utterly unsuccessful. William Wentworth, white supremacist eugenicist echoing Darwin.

He also supported the murdering paramilitary Native and other police who righteously massacred Indigenous Australians into the 20th century.

photo of native police troopers 1888

This great man would be so appalled by Albanese (never trust a new Australian!) and other politicians promoting a divisive and racist change to our sacred constitution — the creation of an Indigenous Voice with undefined powers (OK, that's not actually true, but Peta ‘Just cuz I'm a cunt, don't mean I have a cock’ Credlin, says it's OK — so get fucked 🖕 get fucked.).

‘Indigenous’ means born here, so most of us are Indigenous. And for all of us, our earliest Australian ancestors came from somewhere else. And stop with the uppercase ‘I’ for fuck's sake! Moi, using the logic of bogans to justify anything!

Therefore, to divide Indigenous Australians on the basis of skin colour or length of ancestry because five generations is just as important as 500! (white people are the real Australians and Gallipoli means more than something called ‘Country’ — just ask Ben Roberts-Smith!) is more about politics than about justice (again, not true but so WTF?).

We are all Australians is the same as saying ‘all lives matter’ and constitutional changes that promote apartheid policies should be rejected. There was only one apartheid … Queensland? South Africa?

Queenslanders sure know State of Origin and how to treat Blaks! Well, come to think of it, so did all Australian states! (maybe not the State of Origin bit).

photo of Aboriginal men in neck chains, 1902

All who embrace Australian citizenship and obey Australian law should be treated equally (they're not obviously) but people identifying as ‘Aboriginals’ already have eleven ‘voices’ in federal Parliament — more than justified by their numbers in the population! AMIRITE!?😆

And, government departments and billions of dollars are already representing Aboriginal interests. The Voice will create another layer of race-based bureaucrats (also not true) and delay every significant political decision (again, demonstrably false but so fucking what? Get fucked 🖕 get fucked).

drawing of native police killing Aboriginal men, 1872,_Mistake_Creek,_Australia.png

Despite having ‘native title’ to far more land per head of population than most other Australians (and that's not fair!), many Aboriginals live in degraded communal enclaves with poor community protection, especially for women and children. And everyone knows, they're worse than catholic priests around children. They need individual freehold titles i.e., act like white people, not communal titles controlled by bureaucrats, academics and politicians (also not true but … you know the drill!). See how easy it is?

I'm also completely in denial (and, seriously, who gives a fuck!?) of the systemic root causes of the disenfranchisement of ‘Aborigines’ in this country but I'm also white so, you can get fucked 🖕 get fucked forfuckingever!

drawing of mounted white soldiers killing Aboriginal men at waterloo creek, 1838

Many Australians distrust proposals supported by big government, big business, trade unions and the ABC (by lumping unrelated fears — some even based on truth 😂 together — we can say absolutely anything!).

Ordinary Australians (those thinking Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton is really clever and honest, for example) are continually insulted by being ‘welcomed’ to events and places by people stomping around in red nappies, blowing smoke and making drainpipe noises. Jesus fucking christ we could be listening to Wagner for fucks sake! Most of these ceremonies are modern inventions — that's true because another racist cunt told me down the pub. Nothing like 26 January. Nope, absolutely positively, nothing like that.

We do not need to be welcomed to our own country 🤯 … Who cares that it was stolen? Build a bridge and get over it! She called Linda Burney a ‘legend’ but I'm not!? That's racist! Jacinta ‘Punchin' Down’ Price, griping about an ABC 😱 journalist.

My name's Vic ‘Vote No’ Forbes; I'm a complete cunt and I approve this message. God bless Austraaylia! 🦘🇦🇺

grizzled racist aussie bushman
Guest commentator, Vic Forbes spent their (gender-free non-binary pronoun) life grazing, mining and other exploiting in outback NT and QLD. Vic has an applied degree in BS and even studied economics (read RM Williams' autobiography), politics (got pissed with Russ Hinze), climatology (called Bob Brown a poof) and financial analysis (admired Kerry 'Cunty Prick' Packer).