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Vote 🗳️ No if You are Christian

The Guardian Australia has identified the main christian lobby groups campaigning against the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum and these are some of the same 🤡 clowns who tried to defeat marriage equality in 2017.

people praying with their arms extended for some reason

The lobbyists engaged help christian 'nonprofit' ministries fight for conservative causes based on American values and voting patterns which favour polarising (and frequently violent) positions. Emotions are now the primary tool and target of contest, as learnt from DJ Trump's terrible tactics in the US.

Australians for Unity — which has a tax deductible 'gift recipient' status from the federal government as the lead No organisation — is made up of Fair Australia (as if there's anything 'fair' about the status quo) and Warren 'Muppet' Mundine's Recognise a Better Way. Unsurprisingly, both mobs attract racists and whackjobs who stridently criticise those supporting the Voice.

To wit, Tony ‘Mad Monk’ Abbott sits on the advisory board of Fair Australia (a subset of the cunts over at Advance) who use Country Liberal party senator Jacinta ‘Punchin' Down’ Price as as their primary token spokesman.

The Advance cunts also run Facebook pages to disseminate and support misinformation. Referendum News falsely presents itself as a 'news' service to show No campaign information as fact. The Not Enough page presents the ‘progressive no’ (oxymoron, anyone? 😆) campaign of uninformed losers like Lidia ‘Look at Moi Look at Moi’ Thorpe. Advance's Matthew ‘Shithead’ Sheahan has it both ways as they both appear to be his pages but by having different titles they give the impression they're part of a broad church.

Advance, however, claims that it's not misleading to use dogrooters presenting uninformed and ignorant ‘opinions’ as fact if you're directly quoting uninformed and ignorant individuals — giving them a platform. They also defend other racist material like that cartoon …

racist sexist carton

Lobbyists for Advance

Whitestone Strategic is Australia’s conservative campaign consultancy fighting for American Australian values with strategic, digital, fundraising and black ops ‘field operation’ services. Clients include Fred ‘Fuckstick’ Nile's Christian Democratic party and is linked to the Australian Christian Lobby.

RJ Dunham & Co is Texas based and specialises in promoting conservative political and religious organisations like those fighting against abortions as their ‘outsourced marketing department … empowering women to choose life.’

They also looked after Bethel church the mad mob who prayed for the resurrection of their leader's dead two-year-old daughter — nothing happened but they still claimed ‘physical resurrection was possible in modern times’ and that there's a biblical precedent for this ludicrous belief and that jesus commanded his disciples to raise the dead and that wearing pandemic masks was useless because Covid-19 couldn't live in the ‘presence of god.’

The church even claimed to have cured covid, cancer, blindness, homosexuality and comas via online Zoom calls.

Dunham was also associated with the unsuccessful No vote to marriage equality and the equally unsuccessful 2022 federal election campaigns against independent politicians and GetUp where some of their tactics were referred to the Australian Federal Police by the Australian Electoral Commission.

Despite those earlier failures their job, this time, seems much simpler …

The Yes campaign needs to convince people this is a good idea and the solution. No doesn't need to give any positive suggestions, just say ‘this isn't the right one.’ That's a much easier argument to make … Saying ‘don't risk it’ is easier than convincing people … Axel Bruns, digital media professor, QUT.

For jesus fucking christ's sake — let's hope not.