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Bondi Media

Vote 🗳️ No if you are Meta 🤘 Racist

Meta's Mark 'me masturbate' Zuckerberg had to stop wanking over (presumably female, but no judgement — as long as it's not child) profile pics to decide that racist remarks by opponents of the constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament meet ‘community standards’. And while his tech mob Meta said they were ‘mindful’ of the impact of the Voice debate on Indigenous communities, they still wouldn't do anything about it. They did, however, block RMIT FactLab after the Vote No camp complained.

vote yes for voice!

Accordingly, the social media giant has refused to stop those who post racist and abusive material about Aboriginal Australians as part of the No campaign to the Voice to parliament, claiming racist remarks like ‘My land, Liquorland’ are not breaches of their Facebook’s community standards.

They can just spew horrific racism at us all day, every day. Aboriginal complainant, Rueben Berg, First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria.

In fact, No campaign champion Warren 'Muppet' Mundine shared an image on LinkedIn, showing a gun pointed at a head with the caption, ‘VOTE YES OR ELSE!!.’ The gun holder was adorned with a Soviet red and yellow hammer and sickle next to an Aboriginal flag. Mundine's remark was ‘100% right.’ Warren Mundine isn't a role model — he's a self-serving 🇦🇺 moron.

We’ve seen this in calls for genocide now being made by the ugly, bottom-of-the-swamp racists flooding cyberspace with their crazy theories about the white race being under threat. Marcia Langton, Voice co-architect.

Aboriginal holocaust denier kerry white.

An Indigenous Voice to parliament would force white people to pay to live in Australia … it's designed to get rid of the parliament that’s there now and the Voice will end up taking over. Kerry ‘Cunty’ White, ignoramus extraordinaire.

Kerry White's another one of Mundine's mendacious mates who talks at ‘world freedom’ rallies run by the fuckwit pro-Kremlin and anti-vaccine 'Aussie Cossack Simeon Boikov. White also denies the Stolen Generations saying ‘mixed race’ children were institutionalised for ‘their own safety.’

80% of [Aboriginal] men who did not go to jail are doing about as well as other Australians …
If you want a voice — learn English — that’s your voice. Gary Johns, creepy white cunt.

creepy barnaby

If one group has a right based on their DNA, another group does not have that right. Barnaby Joyce, lecherous bush bogan fuckwit & attempted dog-murderer.