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Vote 🗳️ No to Lies

The Vote No to the Voice to Parliament campaign is essentially about lies and misinformation. But evil only prevails if truth is lost by not asking questions with answers based on fact. John ‘Coward’ Howard was not a conservative and neither is the No camp — they're radicals only believing in truth if, and when, it suits them …

indigenous person learning

Ignorance is anything but bliss but, so educate yourself! And if you don't know — find out — like Warren 'Epistemic' Mundine and his Mean Team — absolutely determined to find the facts! 😂 Seriously but, do the work — it's worth it.

And if you think that the answer to the ‘Aboriginal Problem’ is educating Indigenous Australians then you and your ‘education’ is the problem.

Remember, Labor partly campaigned on the Voice to Parliament proposal in 2022 — and won. So, learn some more about the Voice.

I didn’t know, so I got educated, I didn’t decide to vote No. It’s not giving Indigenous people any other legal rights over other Australians, it's just recognising that we can't just shut down the iterations of their representative bodies, there needs to be one for forever and a day. We had one with Malcolm Fraser, we had another iteration with Bob Hawke, John Howard kicked that one out, and listening to these people, we can't just keep going backwards, we can’t keep shutting them down. Jade Chou-Harris, Yes Vote marcher, Sunday 17 September 2023.


The next step for the opposition, if their campaign is successful, will be to try and reverse marriage equality legislation. Make no mistake — that's their goal — their foul god demands it. They're playing the long game here.

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