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Vote 🗳️ No to Mundine

Warren ‘Muppet’ Mundine claims the Australian PM has caused horrible racist abuse and attacked No voters. But, because Mundine's made it all about himself, and that it's his lies and misinformation fuelling division and dishonesty — it's he who is the legitimate target of criticism.

remote bush power station

Mundine reacted to Anthony Albanese naming the referendum date in typical self-serving fashion by making it all about Warren and promoting his mental health issues as being exacerbated by the Voice to Parliament debate to the point of killing himself. He claimed racist abuse was to blame but completely ignored, the fact, that same racist abuse comes from the No camp supporters and that they direct it towards Indigenous Australians …

I tried to commit suicide twice, it does have an effect on you … Warren ‘Muppet’ Mundine, seeking sympathy for some stupid things he said.

Mundine's absurdity includes even admitting he doesn't actually understand the Voice report (which makes operational suggestions to government).

If they read the Calma/Langton Report they’d find 270 pages of turgid and impenetrable reading, strangely [sic] for … I didn't get it, Wazza.

Like most lost in modernity uninformed angry men, he doesn't seem to comprehend the terminology he's so angry about — like telling David Pocock to stop pushing his ‘white privilege’ onto him for supporting the Voice. But, he's also decried ‘white privilege’ as the ‘most racist theory’ he has read!? 🫤

Mundine's social media reads like a limited teenager who left school too early and is now frustrated by being unable to express feelings intelligibly.

T.S. Eliot would have called him (and Dutton et al.) as ‘an apostle of suburban free thought’ but, as feeble-minded as he is, he's hardly alone …

Why should I as an indigenous Australian be governed under a separate entity than the rest of Australia because of my race? Jacinta ‘Punchin' Down’ Price, not understanding & not even wrong (again).

Neither Mundine nor Price seem capable of rudimentary critical thinking. He's even claimed (without evidence) the PM is a name-calling bigot. But Mundine's a fantasist and a liar (both contextually appropriate descriptors).

warren mundine

And ra-tards like him ain't role models, that's for sure …

I don’t judge a nation by the worst of its history but by how it overcomes the worst of its history and by its vision for the future. And on that measure I judge Australia well. Mundine, rewriting history to sound statesmanlike but being Alfred Deakin.

Unsurprisingly, facile runs in the family but …

Warren Mundine tells conservative white people what they want to hear — he validates them.

But what Wazza really wants is to be a federal senator. He thinks he deserves it — he's said and done everything that's been asked of him. Now it's his turn! Is that too much to ask given some of the fucktards who've made it? And, to be fucking fair, if Lidia ‘Look at Moi Look at Moi’ Thorpe's in there …

Look we do need good people to go into the Senate, not that I'm saying I'm a good person or anything. Warren ‘Muppet’ Mundine, 'nough said.

Meanwhile, Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton and Pauline ‘Hatred’ Hanson are asking for money to ‘push back and defeat this risky and divisive Voice.’

Dutton's lied about the Australian Electoral Commission's long-standing practice of counting ticks as Yes votes. He's also falsely stated the Voice is an ‘elitist threat’ to ordinary Australians. But, his claim that the Voice vote is ‘the biggest change to our Constitution in our country’s history’ is probably his biggest lie (yet).

The Uluru Statement from the Heart is a tirade against Australia. Tony Abbott, paedo protector George Pell's #1 fanboy and Wazza's hero.

No campaigners have even resurrected morally and intellectually deaf cunt, serial liar, alleged war criminal and all-round dogrooter John ‘Coward‘ Howard, who says Australians should ‘maintain the rage’ (not clear what ‘rage’ he's talking about but).

This is especially true after creating the Cronulla race riots and the children overboard affair before being booted from office and parliament for being a bigger cunt than his dodgy racist heroThe Don.

If you want Australia to be Bogan-Ville South … vote No.

It should also be noted but that not all C🪨al-ition members say No, ergo they're not all absolute cunts. Andrew Bragg, Julian Leeser et al., haven't towed the party line, and for that they should be commended. There are others voting Yes and they risk losing preselection contests for the next election.