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Vote 🗳️ YES to the Voice! ✋ NO to Racism!

Warren ‘Muppet’ Mundine has struggled to distance his misinforming No campaign from dishonest Dave Adler's racist remarks which were so bad that even Australia's Attorney-General said that opposition leader Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton should distance himself from them.

vote yes!

Adler questioned Lidia Thorpe’s Indigenous heritage asking ‘What % Aboriginal is she?’ and said journalist Stan Grant may have darkened his skin artificially.

STAN GRANT’S COMPLEXION SEEMS TO HAVE CHANGED … Look at the 3 pics. Can anyone explain? … IS STAN GRANT DOING ‘BLACK FACE’? If so, why? ‘Dishonest’ Dave Adler, reactionary racist dogrooter.

Mundine did call Adler’s comments ‘bizarre’ and said questioning a person’s cultural heritage was ‘disgusting’ but still stood by him. He also denied that Adler was part of his No campaign but he may, in fact, be involved in Advance or Fair Australia the related outfit of choice for conservative cunts and reactionary ra-tards like Tony ‘Mad Monk’ Abbott et al., but they're very secretive. So, no-one actually knows the truth! 😱 And then there's … CPAC.

Regardless, Adler and Mundine do appear as besties in online photo-ops and Adler uses his friendship with Mundine as evidence that he's not a racist.

As others have pointed out, Mundine is always saying he stands against racism, but he always seems to stand with … racists.

besties wazza & dishonest dave

Mundine himself seems incapable of keeping his ignorant mouth shut to the extent you never know (see his cringeworthy 😬 appearances on The Drum) what's bullshit and what's a deliberate lie. This time he's also claiming that he has sacked several (how many?) people (who?) from the No campaign for making racist remarks which he didn't ‘appreciate.’ Really?

The actor Jim Brown spoke about how when talking with O.J. Simpson you never knew whom you were actually speaking with — it seems not too different with Wazza (sans knife obviously!) but is he a harmless buffoon getting his metaphors mixed and contradicting himself or a self-serving ignoramus not dealing with abstractions? The answer may be in his unsolicited defence of Stan Grant — calling him a ‘brother’ — even claiming entitlement to assert that Grant's Indigenous heritage was ‘not in question.’ 🙏

While there are heaps of impressive Indigenous Australians, none of them appear to support the No campaign. Accordingly, Mundine's accused Indigenous leader Noel Pearson of ‘one of the worst racial slurs an Aboriginal people can receive’ for suggesting that he (Mundine) and Jacinta ‘Punchin' Down’ Price were, in fact, simpleton puppets for conservative white cunts.

mundine & price

Comparing Rachel Perkins to Jacinta Price or Michael Long to Warren Mundine is like comparing dignity and credibility with dogrooter 💩 shit … Shame 😩 on the No campaign — shame.

Brainless can be an overused term, but if you've heard any of Freya Leach's drivel on TikTok — her claims that Cathy Freeman is a ‘celebrity’ or describing herself as a ‘centre-right realistetc., you'd be forgiven thinking social media is a haven for overweening fuckwits and freaks …

Mundine's Twitter account is a bizarre mix of lies, Trumpian claptrap and reactionary retardation and he doesn't seem capable of coherent thought progressions. As a former ‘advisor to the Australian Prime Minister on Indigenous affairs’ his main concern about the Yes campaign may simply be that it doesn't involve him and the fact that he's not someone to be taken seriously.

I said it before and I’ll say it again, yes, there are some racist [sic] in Australia, but Australia is not a racist country and the overwhelming majority of Australians are not racist. Warren ‘Muppet’ Mundine, talking shyte, again.

Neither Mundine or Price seem aware that the Voice was proposed by Indigenous Australians and is supported by the majority of them. But that's hardly surprising given Mundine's predilection for pontificating on concepts he clearly doesn't 😬 understand …

warren mundine thought buble

Another racist No campaign leader and mate of Mundine's, Gary Johns, has called for Aboriginality blood tests to obtain welfare payments, as well as saying there should be an ‘Intermarriage Day’ public holiday.

Looking out over Sydney Harbour … if this was an ‘invasion’, it was a bloody good one. Gary Johns, racist No vote campaigner & conservative cunt.

So, if you actually have to ask where the ‘Muppet’ moniker comes from …

Gary Johns is entitled to his views. Warren ‘Muppet’ Mundine.