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Vote 🗳️ Yes! Voice 📣 to Parliament

The only Australians entitled to vote No in the Voice to Parliament referendum are First Nations people. That doesn't mean they should but. Everyone else is an ignorant racist cunt hiding behind disingenuous ‘questions’. So … fuck you, fuck your foul fucking god and your cunt fucking kids … get fucked 🖕 get fucked you fucking dogs.

vote yes!

Dogrooters Galore — Not Good People

The moral and intellectual dishonesty of the No Campaign is obscene:

Worried about the voice? Wait until you see the treaty … A Yes vote in the referendum is not the end of the process but rather the starting gun to a long and divisive treaty negotiation.Janet Albrechtsen, conservative cunt, claiming Australia isn't racist.

Before voice vote, let's get the facts in order … The Uluru statement is militant. It offers no sentence of respect or gratitude to the Australian people. Yet it is hailed by the PM as warm hearted and generous.Geoffrey ‘Blaks be grateful’ Blainey, revisionist old cunt.

Albanese's correct; the Coalition has nothing to add but no. And remember, racist hypocrite ex-Queensland cop Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton refused the apology to the Stolen Generations because he said Aboriginal people molested children. But — and you should never forget — he admired dead cunt cardinal George fucking Pell, patron saint 😇 of paedophiles and pederasts. So why, the fuck, would anyone think he's got it right this fucking time?

racist cartoon by no campaign

It’s a straightforward cartoon were [sic] spelling out exactly what it is which is about corporate Australia spending shareholders money on this campaign … I don't see any racism about that and, of course, there is no sexism whatsoever in it. Warren ‘Muppet’ Mundine, local idiot.

But Wazza's not the only one who's talking out his Tijuana or big for the mixed metaphor. According to another of his creepy cunt mates …

Matt Kean can keep his elitist Sydney views to himself … There it is again, the Yes campaign elites playing the race card straight off the top of the deck. Dimwitted dishonest cunt Matthew ‘Shithead’ Sheahan, poor man's Trump.

Speaking of fucking confused, the Victorian Independent senator Lidia ‘Look at Moi Look at Moi’ Thorpe says she's been excluded by the cunts in the Coalition from having a say in the No Voice referendum pamphlet …

Seriously, why, the fuck, would she think they'd listen to her self-promoting drivel? 💩 Yet, she's still on their side. Dumb is forfuckineva, Lids!

It is, in fact, her delusions of grandeur on display when claiming her so-called ‘analysis’ 🤣 of the Voice will be ‘shared with the Australian people.’ Jesus, talk about over winding the self-fucking-winding watch.

Also, her claim the Voice ‘was not informed by self-determination’ is not even wrong. She appears to be completely unaware of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Guess she missed the email on that one.

Not to mention, she fundamentally misunderstands the concept of constitutional recognition because it does not undermine First Nations sovereignty …

Britain and, now, Australia have denied treaty and war with First Nations people on the basis of their status as British (and, later, Australian) subjects. Constitutional recognition of their unique status, however, defeats that assumption — permanently.

There will never be a treaty without constitutional recognition.

Meanwhile, Jacinta Nampijinpa ‘Punchin' Down’ Price is meeting with avowed racists to discuss her own ‘potential’ contribution 🫠 to the No campaign …

What, the fuck, would make her think they'd be interested in her opinion?

They use you, you silly cow — for just as long as you're useful to them — as an Indigenous person ‘at odds’ with most First Nations people — you're telling them what they want to hear. 🙉

Jacinta might want to familiarise herself with the concept of ‘divide and fucking conquer.’ The entire point of the No campaign is to confuse everyone and, ultimately, exclude First Nations people — just like cunts have been doing since colonisation. They don't want equality they want superiority.

With me as your voice in the Senate, we can push together against political correctness and stand up for free speech – to get REAL solutions for Indigenous people that will help all Australians … The latest social media fad is to post support for “Black Lives Matter” … But at the end of the day, it’s just virtue signalling. J. Price, NT senator talking in tongues, not her own.

Anyone thinking the No campaign have the best interests of First Nations people in mind is a fucking ra-tard (and there's no legal requirement for any pamphlet to be truthful or accurate) so …