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Bondi Media

Welcome to Country 🤗 is Being Invited

Yes to the Indigenous Voice to Parliament campaigner Marcus Stewart, has accused No Voice campaigner and Shadow Indigenous Australians Minister Jacinta ‘Punchin' Down’ Price of hating her own people, after she told The American Australian newspaper that ‘Welcome to Country’ ceremonies at public gatherings were ‘definitely divisive.’

aboriginal smoking ceremony

It's not welcoming, it's telling non-Indigenous Australians, ‘This isn't your country’, and that's wrong. We are all Australians and we share this great land. Senator Jacinta Price, sending all the wrong signals.

Stewart and others from the Uluru Dialogue, say Price is deliberately spreading misinformation as part of her campaign against an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, and, that it takes real hatred of First Nations people to do so. Stewart also said the negative No campaign is adversely impacting Indigenous children and is doing serious damage to the community.

Welcome to Country ceremonies are common parts of public events in a modern Australia but, the protocols have existed for millennia as part of the sophisticated society that the colonists have tried so hard to destroy.

Historically, Indigenous cultural and territorial boundaries were clear and entering another people's Country required a request for permission. It speaks volumes to the generosity of the original Australians today to welcome ‘visitors’ who were never invited and who raped the land and the women when they got here and now live in dread that they may have to pay for some of their crimes. Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people respect Country and all who live here. Welcome to Country is a unifying practice celebrating the Indigenous history of Australia — a history denied for over 200 years.

Welcome to Country — something practised on these lands for thousands of years is now — according to the far-right politician Senator Nampijinpa Price — divisive. It's a ceremony that brings us together … a practice that has stood for thousands of years … something we all celebrate and that we all love to be involved in.Marcus Stewart, Uluru Dialogue.

Meanwhile, cunts over at the C🪨al-ition are arguing over which Indigenous policy to use for the next federal election. Ultimately, they just wish Blaks would die out — or at least go away — just like they were supposed to …

The violence and disease associated with colonisation was characterised, in the language of social Darwinism, as a natural process of 'survival of the fittest'. According to this analysis, the future of Aboriginal people was inevitably doomed; what was needed from governments and missionaries was to ‘smooth the dying pillow …’ Bringing them Home — Chapter 2.

In another century the probability is that Australia will be a white continent with not a black or even dark skin among its inhabitants. The Aboriginal race has died out in the south and is dying fast in the north and west, even where most gently treated. Other races are to be excluded by legislation if they are tinted to any degree. The yellow, the brown, and the copper-coloured are to be forbidden to land anywhere. Alfred Deakin, Australian PM & white supremacist.