Identity Crisis? 🤷 What Identity Crisis?
The Left's identity crisis is not actually a thing but saying it lets me pontificate, as a portly pretentious pounce, to reactionary ra-tards and means Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton can be a champion for equality! Even better's knowing that all this shyte's approved by instigators of the illegal Robodebt scheme! AMIRITE!?
Redressing the unfair treatment of minorities, through anti-discrimination laws, affirmative action policies etc., now dominates the agenda (as it should in a true democratic and egalitarian society because we can afford to).
But, the discourse of minority rights, and the politics of grievance, has become too powerful (it hasn't, but it gets enough complaint coverage in conservative media to appear that it enables me to get away with saying it). Which is a way of claiming attempts to address disenfranchisement are not to be taken seriously. So, when they succeed, make sure you denigrate them!
The consequence of replacing class with identity as leftist focus (even though it's not) has been that, as the demands of minorities dominate, the interests of the broader working class diminish. Moi, lying as ever!
Accordingly, workers (everyone knows that gays, trans etc., all live in inner-city hipster homes watching the ABC and none are working class or battlers) find the Left ‘no longer speaks’ for them, particularly those whose livelihood depends upon the much-despised ‘old economy’ (logging, mining, manual labour etc.) associated with tough, xenophobic and simple-minded men dumb enough to think the C🪨al-ition gives a flying fuck about them.
Who do you think working people find more in sympathy with their concerns and social values: Matt Canavan or Mark Dreyfus? Moi, asking a trick fucking question.
At Labor’s next National Conference, expect to hear a lot more about the Voice to Parliament than working-class poverty (largely created by our myth of trickle-down-economics). In the referendum campaign, Albanese will talk about 'closing the gap', while Dutton will talk about equality and only the truly ignorant, idiotic, dishonest and dumb will believe him. Everyone else will laugh … Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 ha … their fucking heads off!
Meanwhile, the grievance narrative, once associated with the socialist critique of the injustices of capitalism, has been turned on its head — just like the Tropfest winner defending her complete plagiarising of an another film by pointing out that she had swapped the sexes of the main characters. 😆
I was going to again display my wonderful erudition by referencing the smug satirist Tom Wolfe's writing but I couldn't be fucking bothered. Instead I'll, again, disingenuously infer that minorities have nothing to complain about today because of societal advances — they're now included for fucks sake!
And that lie lets me claim a problem for identity politics: what happens when grievances are addressed? Once-marginalised minorities are often reluctant to abandon the status of victimhood awarded to them by conservative main stream media especially whenever police shoot unarmed Blak people. How fucking ungrateful are Blaks and other marginalised groups? I mean, really …
Claiming a sympathetic role for Peter Dutton is like saying A.O. Neville cared about Indigenous children … same dead eyes.
Meanwhile, those who don't belong to an identified minority increasingly find that there is nobody to speak for them. Whose life chances are better in Australia: the poof from a loving family in a wealthy suburb attending an elite school and onto university? Or the bogan from western Sydney who suffers the tyranny of low expectations but does not belong to any self-identifying minority? Who speaks for him in the babel of minority voices? The Liberal fucking party — that's who! Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!
Notice I said 'him'? Everyone knows poor people aren't loving and don't use as much petrol as rich people. Dismissing multiple voices of minorities as ‘babel’ proves the hegemony of power and claiming poverty-stricken individuals as an example of un-representation to be used by the Right, is both deliberately dishonest and another example of how little I actually understand. 😝
The trap for Labor in the embrace of identity politics is that its historic concern for equality has become narrowed to a boutique concern for particular groups — including those who are no longer oppressed (even though saying that is racist and sexist). These successes only exist hypothetically so I can't give any real facts to back it up but it's enough to say working people feel abandoned which creates a political space for other cunts to become their champion. Never underestimate Dutton's plain-spoken appeal to those people because they're even dumber than he is. 🤫
I can further de-legitimise progressives by denigrating identity politics as a failed attempt to re-invent the dreaded Marxism. 😱 Borrowing from Fukuyama (god, I'm good!) I trace its origins to the mid-20th century evolution of said Marxism — via Sartre, Marcuse and Foucault — from a theory in which social relationships are dictated by economic power in a society stratified by class, to broader theories of inequality in which considerations other than purely economic ones determine relative power …
Accordingly (even though that is essentially meaingless), I can now say that left-wing politics is no longer just about empowering the working class because other disempowered groups — minorities like women, gays and migrants and their ‘identity’ have became increasingly the focus.
As I've crapped on previously about, there's a catch as these ‘groups’ got what they wanted their identity became the focus — while workers and other exploited poor peoples felt abandoned 😭 and the great traditions of god-fearing hard working uneducated yobs were abandoned.
So, grievances and victimhood now belong the the Right and their increasingly bogan base who are so fucking dumb they think ‘coastal elites’ don't respect them — they're fucking wrong — no-one fucking respects them. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!
Obviously, I'll avoid any and all mention of the main minority — women — because that would (given the C🪨al-ition's track record) totally obliterate any of the crap I've written here. So, to try and save some face, I'll sign off with a sage-like aphorism to shore up (if not cement 🫠) my imaginary gravitas …
The Labor party will rue the day that, in its embrace of identity politics and minority interests, it surrenders the broader equality narrative to the Right …
Much of the above is inspired by (if not purloined from) Robert Hughes' Culture of Complaint: The Fraying of America and, hey, people do have the right to be bigots so just get fucked 🖕 just get fucked 🖕 anyway.
I are liar. I have no dignity decency or integrity so hear me roar. Mummy, did you hear me? Can I suckle 🤱 now Mummy? Please Mummy! I need your attachment parenting! Mummy? … Mummy?
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