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Love ❤️ a Book 📗 Burnt 🔥 Country 🌮

Religion has again raised its vile evil and putrid head with Cumberland City clown councillor Steve ‘Cunt a Monty’ Christou coordinating fellow dogrooters to ‘rid’ the local library of books that include gay 🏳️‍🌈 parenting models.

steve christou

The council's last meeting saw Cr. Christou insist that ‘council take immediate action to rid same-sex parents books and materials’ from its library. He specifically decried Same-Sex Parents by Holly Duhig even though he hadn't read it, ‘hiself’. It is not clear if this is because he's so ignorant he can't read, or whether he was just being a cunt or both. The book features different families and shows two men with their child on its cover (below).

book cover of 2 men with child

Christou claimed that Cumberland’s ‘religious and conservative’ (i.e.,ignorant and bigoted) community didn’t want ‘controversial issues going against their [ignorant and bigoted] beliefs indoctrinated into their libraries.’ Clearly, Steve's a fucking genius who claims that books concerning same-sex parenting sexualise young children like catholic school …

Salesian College Chadstone (Victoria) which recently had to be dragged kicking and screaming (like a child from bed, to be raped) to remove ‘revered’ paedo priest Bill Edwards even after it knew of his abuse. Edwards' victim sued the Salesian Society and Archbishop Peter ‘Cunty’ Comensoli (‘hiself’ no stranger to child abusers). They settled for over $1 million 💰 but still acknowledged Edwards' ‘contribution’ as one who …

Walked alongside all those who suffered through the ‘valley of darkness’, consoling, comforting and reassuring them of god’s [imaginary] presence and love [and his very real 🍆 cock]. Catholic school's dishonour roll for cunts. 🌮 🌮 🌮

lesbian couple with 2 children marching

This Comensoli (not his paedo uncle) is such a cunt that he appealed a large damages payment to another priest's victim, claiming the award for pain and suffering was ‘manifestly excessive.’ He is shit 💩 like George Pell is 💩 shit.

Never forget, the most unfuckingchristian ✝️ people on this fucking 🌏 planet are always fucking 😱 christians.

Or, closer to home, what about tea-cosy-topped ‘bishop’ Mar Mari Emmanuel (aka Robert Shlimon, below) who got stabbed terrorist-style live streaming his shitty sermon? Turns out he's also a right cunt who abused a vulnerable 18 year old woman and who talks shyte about gays, vaccines and other topics of interest to hundreds of thousands of social media cretins. He also buys multi-million dollar 💰 properties for his not-for-profit OneJesus Limited.

dickhead with a fuckwit hat

But you come and say I don’t belong to Jesus Christ, I am not a bishop, I don’t have the rank of the Lord Jesus, I will shred you if you stand in my way. I will shred you to pieces. Peace & love 🥰 Bob Shlimon, fake bishop fuckwit Steven Seagal fan, style.

Unfuckingsurprisingly, this cunt's website also calls for donations.

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for god loves a cheerful giver [and so do con men]. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Back to the book banning but …

a book on fire

Christou's such a cunt he pre-empted ‘drag story time’ (which wasn't even planned) just to get its possibility banned from local libraries and over one hundred god-bothering cunts turned up in support. Hardly surprising but because almost three quarters of local residents voted against marriage equality in 2017. These are not good people — they are 🌮 🌮 🌮 cunts.

We Refuse to Tolerate Your Intolerance!

Ultimately, all religion boils down to control and that's the fucking problem. Believe in whatever (non-existent) magic fucking sky fairy you like but stop trying to control (or denigrate) the lives of those who don't dig your foul fucking deity. We don't give a flying fuck about your foundational fucking tomes full of idiotic sexist racist anti-science homofuckingphobic primitive claptrap — your so-called ‘holy books’. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

Live your best lives! But leave us — and the children — alone!

Federal Labor claims to be committed to ‘promoting and supporting respect, acceptance and understanding’ but why do religious cunts get a free-pass? Why does their primitive belief in non-existent magic fucking sky fairies permit them to speak 💩 shit about those they want to destroy and control? How is that part of respect, acceptance or underfuckingstanding? How?

For example (although not a local one), a US footballer recently gave a university speech saying that most women receiving degrees were probably more excited about getting married and having kids; claimed that some catholic leaders were pushing dangerous gender ideologies; likened Pride 🏳️‍🌈 to a ‘deadly sin’; and lauded the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v Wade. It is no fucking coincidence that that cunt ScoMo is over there joyfully celebrating that equally dishonest dickead DJ Trump. Hallefuckinglujah 🌮 🌮 🌮

Even those who disagreed with my viewpoints shared their support for my freedom of religion. Fuckwit footballer, Harrison Butker.

And even Taylor Swift's boyfriend supported this cunt …

I don't think that I should judge him by his [ignorant, idiotic, sexist, bigoted] views, especially his [ignorant, idiotic, sexist, bigoted] religious views, of how to go about [his ignorant, idiotic, sexist, bigoted] life, that's just not who I [as a real dum kunt] am. Another fuckwit footballer, Travis Kelce.

But what if his cweepy chwistian hate speech was directed at jewish people instead of transgender? What if he's a muslim hating hindu nationalist? How does that work? His ‘god’ aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha demands his ire.

Labor pledged to protect these so-called religious groups and new hate speech laws include race, gender, sexuality and disability protections — but not when they're attacked by filthy fucking god-botherers and their foul fucking deity? Why is their their hate of those who are different excusable?

Remember, the repeal of marriage equality is their end goal. How lucky are we to be living in Bondi 😎 and not Cumberunterland!?

BTW don't forget the terrific Waverley Library up the Junction — which won't be burning or banning any books anytime soon! 👍

Update: 15 May 2024

Cumberland Council reversed their idiotic stance. The book (only borrowed once in over five years) will now be found in the ‘junior non-fiction’ section of the library. The meeting ran for hours while hundreds of deadshits outside protested modernity, vaccines, the Illuminati and paedophile rings. Some of the older male morons attending wore ‘wife beaters’ with pride. 😧

2 women with their baby

Burning books or banning books is a very bad sign. John Graham, NSW Arts Minister.

cover of a book 'books are weapons in the war of ideas'