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Bondi Media

Multicultural 😝 Madness Deux

OK. So, to carry on from last time … it turns out that VD Vance was lying about immigrants (Haitian or otherwise) eating family pets but that misses the point entirely (obviously it doesn't but I'm determined to back these reactionary ra-tards no matter what lies logic I have to tell distort). Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

dog meat

So, anyway, if it's not in your culture (and, obviously, it's not in the superior Western culture) to eat pets, the thought of it might make you spew 🤮 which might make Haitians seem dirtier than they are. What’s the genesis of racism, you ask? I'll tell you (by making it sound ‘reasonable’ to be racist) … racism works by bypassing rationality and tapping into your (here justifiably) yukky response (i.e., diminishing the ‘other’). It is racist to feel negatively about a group of people on such ‘spurious emotive grounds’ (found that line online, no less, but what I'm really — and cleverly — saying is that they aren't really ‘spurious and emotive’ because racists are people too). 😆

And, (all that nonsense) lets me posit DJ Trump as the bad guy — and not the source of the lie — VD Vance! (I'll even throw in some utterly non-sensical totally irrelevant 💩 throw away line about there being ‘only one’ pre-election debate to suggest — to morons — that there's a conspiracy of take-your-pick type under foot). Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

But (by lying, again) I can then defend DJ and VD by justifying their lies as not lies but merely as means to achieve their objective because the (false) story deploys a primal ‘eww!’ 🤢 factor (i.e., racism is natural) to replace rational discussion about immigration (positioning my own utterly irrational argument) in an attempt to make a particular race fundamentally unpalatable. (See 👀 what I did there?) Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

haitian school kids

But wait — there's more!

There's a festival called ‘reveillon’ (a French feasting tradition that might not even exist in Haiti) but I'll claim that it ‘caught on’ after slavery ‘ended’ (and I had to do a lot of googling to find it) according to the online ‘publication’ (to legitimise a definitively dodgy blog) The Haitian Report (set up by an equally dodgy dissolved company in Florida five years ago by someone claiming to be from Haiti but who may not even exist) which states (without evidence) that in ‘some parts’ of Haiti, among a ‘small number’ of people, it is ‘traditional to eat cat during reveillon’. So, perhaps, a few Haitians at least eat 🐱 cat meat (so, perhaps, VD's lies are not really lies).

Obviously, I should be barred from ever working in media again for using such a discreditable source as ‘evidence’ to support a racist claim in order to make it not racist but who gives a fuck. White is right — AMIRITE!? Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

Using this (again, false) evidence I can then go on and infer that Australia's own Blacks (fucking savages) eat cats (citing that Lefty rag the BBC no less, as evidence with no source). Many cultures eat meats the glorious god-fearing racially and culturally superior West has developed an objection to (so VD and DJ weren't really lying so they're not really racists because it's true — even if it's not). I have eaten snake in Saigon and dog dicks in Durkadurkastan. (See how worldly I are, how reasonable my argument is?) Accordingly …

Saying some immigrants eat pets (even if it's not true) is not racist; responding with an emotional distaste for the people who eat these things is racist. And never forget that there are very fine people, on both sides. 😂

The US is struggling (not because of the rise of reactionaries, racism, god, greed and guns etc.) but because it has embraced emotion over rationality (again, I'm like so fucking clever 🦸). Polarisation is only a symptom (and a definitive non sequitur). Neither of the candidates for president in 2024 is even trying to put forward coherent, reasoned policies for the many things that ail the nation. From Hulk Hogan to Brat Kamala, it’s all about the feels because there are very fine people on both sides. (See? I've successfully and dishonestly 😱 equated both candidates.)

And I won't be silenced by cancel culture either because Elon Musk (so it's more true) reckons Haitians are canibals (fucking savages).

VD even admitted that the (false) Haitian pet-eating story isn’t effective because it’s true, but because the media has become obsessed with the meme (so it's not really racism — it's an effective communications technique). VD has first-hand first-world experience of being a victim as a white privileged male of this sort of oppression because of the ludicrous fiction (obviously, much worse than the false pet-eating meme) that he'd fucked a sofa. 🛋️

satiated sofa

I've, again, equated two entirely different things — one, a known to be a stupid joke of undergraduate proportions (which VD made no noticeable attempt to disprove — he even joked about it) on one hand — with another, deliberately spread racist attack on a minority by a creepy menstruation-obsessed reactionary cunt in order to propagate fear to assist in getting himself elected by racists). The pet-eating story is the much more effective lie in the unreality show that is US of A politics — so it's actually good! 🇺🇸

The Democrat VP nominee has labelled Trump and Vance as ‘weird’. But what’s actually ‘weird’ (to disingenously attempt to negate Walz's accurate characterisation of creepy menstruation-obsessed weirdos) is that both (because there are very fine people on both sides) presidential candidates are actively avoiding talking about policy and, again, that leaves emotion to do the lifting (but it's not racist because it is racist but because racism is reasonable). And, therefore, the two candidates are the same (equal) so one can not be worse than the other. Just ask (functioning cretin) Rita Panahi.

Emotion is a poor way to run a nation. It crowds out the real issues (which are hidden by racists objecting to being called racists) and fosters hatred. Never forget, racists are people too!

Returning to the savages Haitians falsely maligned for a deeper sense of anxiety over immigration felt by racists (I'm so fucking wet 💦 right now), according to the mayor of one small town (so you know they're ‘good people’) it has grown by 25 per cent as a result of immigration. (Haitians were recruited by local industries because they couldn't fill available vacancies.) There’s no need to spell out for Ozstraaylians 🐨 🦘 🇦🇺 what the consequences of a rapid intake of that scale might be — the Cronulla (not racist) riots redux! 😱

yobbo rioters

So, there is a rational discussion to be had here (even though its premise is definitively racist), which has everything nothing to do with Haitians racially or even fake food choices in different traditions (again, cleverly suggesting the pet-eating story could be true). Communities (oppressed and maligned colonisers, that is) around the world, desperately need to have a ‘chat’ about rates of sustainable (but not energy related) intake and what's desirable. (So, again, I make racism reasonable.) We probably need to define what its (Western) values are and how new groups can be integrated (a racist concept cloaked in ‘reasonableness’) in it. Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

Instead, it seems, it doesn’t even factor in the considerations of those who make decisions at a national level and have no stake in the community of god-fearing non-immigrant locals (whom I've proven to have justifiably racist concerns). They have left towns (full of peaceful country folk) before immigrants brought their new culinary traditions, to cope as best as they may (inferring that immigrants and their foods are to be feared) and that ‘do-gooders’ are to blame (not the racists) — because racists are people too!

I’m lucky to count both Haitians (well … I blew a bloke who's parents came from there at the Herald's chrissy party last year) and cats among my love circle. Anyway, emotionally, I’d like them both to be safe and whole. Rationally, I know the best way to do that is to stop weaponising racism (because it's worse to be called a racist than to be one). Racism is emotional and the best way to overcome it is to recognise, analyse and address its underlying drivers (i.e., which justify the legitimate concerns that racists have).

And look, maybe Haitians really do eat pussies? 🌮 🌮 🌮

patriotic pussy

Please don't forget what I'm most proud of — that being — I am so dishonest and so devoid of integrity that whenever I am airing my putrid ♨️ pussy — even flies 🪰 die when they alight on it. 🤮

butt ugly but
Guest commentator Putrid Puss-Eh McGuiness has a head like a bashed crab and the personality to match. Before gender affirming surgery, they self-harmed but, now, run an ‘agency’ specialising in social media posts about nothing and advising real dum cunts on how to avoid the 💩 when it hits the fucking fan. They live alone in Zetland, where they fucking belong.