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Peter Dutton Is A 🐕 Dingo

Following the unprecedented success of my last op-ed 🤣 I can't help myself but get another one out because it's not made up of lies (well, it is but), it's an opinion piece! As Henry Miller said ‘Fiction and invention are of the very fabric of life.’ So, casting Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton as a wolf is wrong because … he is a (nuclear) dingo! 🦴

peter dutton is a dingo

If only we could power the nation off the clattering of keyboards since the C🪨al-ition announced its pro-nuclear policy (to belittle those who have pointed out how bogus the pro-nuke lobby is). The seemingly endlessly renewable resource (to accuse those supporting renewables) of hysteria could surely be harnessed (such brilliant word play, if I do say so myself).

The only trouble, I suppose, is that it’s a high-emission source (never let a good pun pass!) leading to tracts of type, miles of misinformation (pre-empting claims pointing out the absurdity of Dutton's position) and acres of assumptions (I'm going from a moist crack to dripping gash with all the alliteration) being spewed into the atmosphere (more puns 😆 anyone?).

Tragically (making me sound unbiased and objective), the verbal frictions and fictions of partisan politics (see, it's not really a true-false debate — it's about feelings and socio-economic class) create nothing (to see here 👀 folks) as useful as harnessable electricity. If they did, Australia could rely on the mere existence of Dutton to power the energy transition (to trivialise legitimate concerns about his dimwitted dishonesty and racism).

Literary factualist (to denigrate those inner-city types insisting so smugly on actual facts) Lech Blaine paints him as a ‘bad cop’ (which isn't true — just ask any Queensland bogan) declaring that he ‘eats bleeding-heart lefties for breakfast … is tall and bald, with a resting death stare.’ 💀

And, since Dutton became leader, other columnists have competed to describe how perfectly ‘awful’ (to soften allegations of how racist hypocritical and dishonest) he is. Niki Savva has described him variously as ‘manipulative’, ‘nasty’ and somewhat prematurely, it now seems, as ‘an asset’ to Albanese (to deny the ScoMo effect and history. Plus, she's a lot smarter than moi — fucking bitch — and her writing is, by definition, objective 😡).

Also, The Guardian's then political editor and now official in-house Albanese publicist (to diminish her credibility) Katharine Murphy declared less poetically that ‘Peter Dutton is the exploding fire hydrant of politics, pushing his party to the angry fringes and electoral oblivion’ (just like ScoMo did).

But whatever you think of the man, the Dutton delirium (god, I'm good!) has sold copies and drawn clicks! But he has not been pushed to electoral oblivion. With each click, hitting the Dutton button has created less alarm. Perhaps it’s a matter of the boy who cried ‘A wolf took my baby!’ but when the wolf finally showed up, we saw that he’s more of a dingo. Dutton has become more familiar and, perhaps even thanks to the overwrought writers, rather less frightening (and one should never forget that after visiting Nazi Germany, Robert ‘Me Cunt’ Menzies admired Adolf Hitler).

dumb is forever

Did Dutton get ahead of Anthony Albanese as preferred prime minister because Australia is full of dumb cunts? 🗳️ 👍

But now that Dutton has released a nuclear ‘strategy’ 😝 he’s surely radioactive (I are so fucking clever) toast. Or so you’ll be told. By the very same hysteria that was certain that all Albanese had to do to secure success was to pray Dutton remained his opponent. But a even loss at the next election will not mean that Dutton’s nuclear plan has failed — not at all (biatches).

Like his Voice stance, Dutton’s proposal for nuclear power is another way of expressing a focus on the cost of living (i.e., fear). Energy prices are punishing households and businesses. Voters are starting to connect the increases in their power bills (which only makes sense to morons because renewables are cheaper) to the transition to renewable energy, especially as discussion turns from rooftop solar to poles and wires across the country (to infer that Dutton's lie about the trillion dollar 💰 cost, is really true when it is not).

An April poll (couldn't find a source) even ‘found’ that Australians (are so fucking dumb that they) now rank renewable energy as the most expensive source of energy ahead of nuclear! Aha 😂 aha 🤪 aha 😜 aha 😝 aha 🤣 ha!

Dutton is using the opportunity to position himself as a realist (even though he's just a liar) and a hard-head (Oooo! Tough guy grab ma tatties, please, because while a good man is hard to find; a hard man is a good find) in a way that casts Labor, the Greens and even economically literate Teals as not.

Most other developed high-productivity countries around the world use nuclear as part of their energy mix (even though they Bregret it like Brexit and the ever burgeoning costs). Exceptions are small icy countries which are able to harness hydro power in a way that arid Australia never will (not counting the Snowy Hydro because that would kill all the feral 🐴 brumbies).

Focus groups regularly bring up ‘three-eyed fish’ when nuclear is discussed. But Australians are not dumb. They know that The Simpsons is fiction even though they voted for ScoMo. 😂

inside chernobyl nuclear cooling tower

That does not mean that nuclear power will suddenly become viable for Australia (it can't be but that's not the point). What Peter ‘dumndumerer’ Dutton has done is exactly what he did with the Voice to Parliament — he's made an alternative that despite being based on bullshit 💩 has given reactionary ra-tards a counter-factual argument to mount against those they hate with every fibre of their rancid beings — who cares if it's not true?

The fact that Labor has been so stupid as to buy into it being a valid topic worthy of discussion — let alone consideration — has created credibility for it as an alternative. This is like all the anti-vacc crap — it had no scientific basis but in a world of ‘fake news’ (the standard imbecilic retort to facts in order to give morally and intellectually dishonest and really really dumb cunts a position) demanding a debate on 💩 becomes ‘reasonable’.

Dutton's not just a right-wing conservative who supports the supporters like George Pell of child molestors. No, he is a man! Ayn Rand, Ultimate gateway drug to life on the right.

Dutton has been criticised for not detailing costs but, clearly, he couldn't care less. His entire point is to use nuclear's new-found (even if ludicrous) legitimacy to get the C🪨al-ition back in office. Once there, having not committed to a set price, he can just drop nuclear and say ‘It's too expensive. See? I really do care about your cost-of-living crises.’ This is a win-win for conservative cunts 🌮 🌮 🌮 and Labor seems 😕 clueless in response with Albo being too busy criticising social media giants to focus on cost-of-living pressure.

So, Dutton going nuclear is all about making his opponents radioactive. OK, that makes fuck-all sense but — that's my point. The only people that'd benefit from his nuclear nightmare are his mining magnate giants cunt mates.

Please don't forget what I'm most proud of — that being — I am so dishonest and so devoid of integrity that whenever I am airing my putrid ♨️ pussy — even flies 🪰 die when they alight on it. 🤮

butt ugly but
Guest commentator Putrid Puss-Eh McGuiness has a head like a bashed crab and the personality to match. Before gender affirming surgery, they self-harmed but, now, run an ‘agency’ specialising in social media posts about nothing and advising real dum cunts on how to avoid the 💩 when it hits the fucking fan. They live alone in Zetland, where they fucking belong.